The Department of Forensic Medicine is situated on the fourth floor of the Medical College Building. The department is well-equipped from both teaching and medico-legal perspectives. It houses its own museum, library, laboratory, rooms for the examination of skeletal remains, and rooms for faculty and residents.
The main attraction of this department is its mortuary, situated in a separate autopsy complex equipped with ultra-modern autopsy tables, equipment, and mortuary chambers for preserving dead bodies. The mortuary has an observing capacity for about 50 students.
Undergraduate Course: MBBS
Postgraduate Course: M.S. Otorhinolaryngology
Teaching Faculty
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Teaching Facility:
Facilities available for teaching are:
- 4 lecture theatres with a capacity of 300 students, well-equipped with audio-visual aids.
- 3 demonstration rooms: 2 with a capacity of 50 students and 1 with a capacity of 25 students, well-equipped with audio-visual aids.
- Practical hall with a capacity of 90 students, also well-equipped with the instruments and equipment required as per MCI guidelines.
Autopsy Block:
The department has its own autopsy block near the hospital in a separate structure to conduct medico-legal post-mortems. These can be witnessed by students from a gallery in the autopsy room. The autopsy block is well-equipped with:
- Autopsy Dissection Table with running water facility
- Autopsy Examination Instrument Set
- Bone Cutting Oscillating Saw
- Microscope (student-type)
- Binocular Microscope
- Dead Body Weighing Machine
- Anthropometric Set
- Refrigerator
- Deep Freezer
- Cold Storage for keeping bodies
- Almira and Bookshelf
- Baby Weighing Machine
- Organ Weighing Machine
Medico-Legal Services:
The department provides medico-legal services in the emergency department for all types of medico-legal cases.
Departmental Library
The Department Library offers separate reading facilities for faculty and students, featuring the latest edition textbooks and current National & International journals. It serves as a valuable resource for both teaching and research activities.
Departmental Research Lab
The Departmental Research Lab is well-equipped with advanced research facilities, including computers, printers, and internet services. It houses a wide array of instruments and equipment essential for conducting cutting-edge research in Forensic Medicine.
Well Equipped With:
- Autoclave Electric
- Autopipettes
- Balance Micro
- Balance Semi Micro
- Binocular Research Microscope
- Bottle Dispenser
- Centrifuge
- Chromatography Chamber
- Colorimeter
- Constant Temperature Water Bath
- Dessicator Large Size
- Dessicator Small Size
- Distillation Apparatus (All Glass)
- Electrophoresis with Power Pack
- Flame Photometer
- Homogeniser
- Hot Air Oven
- Incubator
- Magnetic Stirrer
- PH Meter
- Spectrophotometer
- Stopwatch Digital
- Thermometer
- UV Lamp
- Vortex Mixer
- Refrigerator
Other Labs
- Students practical laboratory
- Central research laboratory
The department maintains a well-equipped museum with specimens, charts, and graphs. It features an established photographic section and an art section, providing valuable resources for educational and research purposes. The museum includes:
- Medico-Legal Specimens: 70
- Charts: 106
- Prototype Firearms: 15
- Slides: 30
- Poisons: 100
- Photographs: 178
- Catalogues: 15
Participation in National Programs, such as the National Program for Prevention and Control of Deafness (NPPCD), is also highlighted.
Important Equipment
- Balance, Single Pair for Weighing Foetus (1)
- Weighing Machine for Weighing Dead Bodies (1)
- Folding Metal Scale to Measure up to 7 ft. (1)
- Weighing Machine for Organ (2)
- Steel Tape Roll (2)
- Autopsy Table (2)
- Styker Autopsy Saw, with Accessories (3)
- Hacksaw (4)
- Dissection Sets (consisting of cartilage knife, bone cutting forceps, scissors, straight and curved Enterotome Scalpels, knives with spare blades, probe metal scale graduated in cms, etc.) (4)
- Rib Shears, Right and Left (4)
- Viscerotome with Attachment for Illumination (Battery Operated) (1)
- X-ray View Box One in Four (3)
- View Box Two in One (2)
- Brain Knife (8)
- Cold Storage for Keeping Dead Bodies (1)
- Deep Freezer for Keeping Tissues (1)
Highlights & Activities
Research Work:
Our department is actively involved in various research projects aimed at advancing forensic medicine and improving medico-legal services. We encourage faculty and students to participate in research activities and contribute to the field through innovative studies and publications.
Events & News:
Stay updated with the latest events, seminars, workshops, and news related to the Department of Forensic Medicine.
Publication List:
- Paliwal S, Jain AK. "Estimation of stature using footprint length - A prospective observational study." Int Journal Of Life Sciences, Biotechnology And Pharma Research Vol.12, No.2, April-June 2023, 2719-2721.
- Paliwal S, Jain A, Parashar R. "Estimation of stature from hand length of an individual in central India population." IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences 2020;5(4):1-3.
- Khilji S, Jain A, Kurveti Verma P, Baraw R. "Suicidal Pattern of Decapitation Injury and Associated Limb Injury in Railway Track Traumas: A Case Series." International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine. 2022;12(3):1-8.
- Rinkal Chaudhary, Manish Shandilya, Sahajad Khilji, Kamlesh Kaitholia. "Modified Differential Extraction Protocol for the Identification of Suspect: A case of Sexual Assault." Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 46(2), 297-300. https://doi.org/10.48165/jiafm.2024.46.2.21
- "Khilji, S., Nigam, M., & Nigam, K. (2024). Variation in Resource Supply of Mortuary for Autopsy at Tertiary Care Center - A Nation-Wide Survey." Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 46(1), 35-38. https://doi.org/10.48165/jiafm.2024.46.1.9
- Khilji, S., Verma, P., Patel, D., & Chouksey, V. "Analysis of Injury Patterns in Railway Track Death and their correlation with Manner of Death in the Bhopal Region - An Autopsy Based Study." Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 46(1), 43-48.
- Drishti Patel, Ashish Jain, Sahajad Khilji, Vivek Chouksey. "Study of Suicide Cases in Bhopal Region: An Autopsy Based Study." Accepted in JIAFM on 30/11/2023, Ref no. JIAFM-23-1-116A.
- Sharma Lokesh, Thakur P S, Tomar Jitendra S, Sahu Sweekriti, Baveja Vishal S. "Demographic Profile of Deaths Due to Burn in Central India (Indore) Region: An Autopsy-Based Prospective Study." Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Year: 2023, Volume: 40, Issue: 1, Page No. 84-88.
- A.K. Vishwakarma, Thakur Paudel, B.K. Singh, Sweekriti Sahu. "An Autopsy-Based 5-Year Retrospective Study of Deaths Due to Snakebite in Central India Region Madhya Pradesh." January 2020. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Vol. 37(2):72-76.
- Khan FA, Jain AK, Varshney R, Pithawala A. "Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy as a Pre-operative Evaluation Tool in Patients with Sino-Nasal Diseases at a Tertiary Care Centre in Central India." Volume-12, No.2 - 08 April-2023, ISSN No. 2250-3137.
- Pithawala A, Jain AK, Varshney R, Khan FA. "Otoendoscopy as a Pre-operative Assessment Tool in Tympanoplasty at a Tertiary Care Centre in Central India." Volume-12, No.2 – 19 March 2023.