The Department of Medicine deals with patients who require medical management and surgical cases to be monitored conservatively. The department boasts 230 teaching beds across 7 units, along with facilities like ICU and ICCU for critically ill patients. Additionally, the department houses a Seminar Room, Departmental Library, and Museum.
The Medicine OPD is located on the first floor and is equipped with facilities for ECG, ECHO, and TMT. The department offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Faculty and residents are actively involved in undergraduate teachings, which include theory lectures, seminars, and bedside teaching. There is also periodic postgraduate teaching as per the curriculum, along with regular assessments for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Our faculty and residents actively participate in training programs, CMEs, and conferences, representing the department at state and national levels.
Undergraduate Course: MBBS
Postgraduate Course: M.D. Medicine
Teaching Faculty
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1. Out Patient Department (OPD) Services:
Medicine OPD is located on the first floor in the Hospital building, accessible by ramps and lifts. Medicine OPD includes:
- Injection Room: For Males and Females separately.
- ECG, ECHO, TMT Room.
- Clinical Demonstration Room.
- 06 Patient Examination Rooms.
2. Indoor Patient Care (IPD) Services:
- All beds with facilities for Central Oxygen and Central Suction.
- Treatment & Examination Rooms.
- Demo Rooms.
- Student/Doctors Rooms.
- Store.
- Ward Pantry.
- Side Labs.
3. ICU Services:
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU) & Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU).
- Medical ICU (MICU).
- Facilities for Dialysis, CRRT, & ECMO.
Specialty Clinics:
- Cardiovascular Clinic.
- Nephrology Clinic.
- Endocrine Clinic.
- Haematology Clinic.
- Gastroenterology Clinic.
- Neurology Clinic.
- Rheumatology Clinic.
Other Services & Facilities
- Echocardiography (ECG)
- Holter Monitoring
- Angiography
- Angioplasty
- Temporary Pacemaker
- Permanent Pacemaker
- Dialysis – Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis (07 Machines)
- Upper GI and Lower GI Endoscopy
- Banding
- Colonoscopy
Neurophysiology Lab Facility for:
- Nerve Conduction Study
- Bronchoscopy
Physiotherapy Section:
Our Physiotherapy Section offers comprehensive rehabilitation services for patients with various medical conditions.
Departmental Library
The Department Library offers separate reading facilities for faculty and students, featuring the latest edition textbooks and current National & International journals. It serves as a valuable resource for both teaching and research activities.
Departmental Research Lab
The Departmental Research Lab is well-equipped with advanced research facilities, including computers, printers, and internet services. It houses a wide array of instruments and equipment essential for conducting cutting-edge research in Medicine.
Well Equipped With:
- Autoclave Electric
- Autopipettes
- Balance Micro
- Balance Semi Micro
- Binocular Research Microscope
- Bottle Dispenser
- Centrifuge
- Chromatography Chamber
- Colorimeter
- Constant Temperature Water Bath
- Dessicator Large Size
- Dessicator Small Size
- Distillation Apparatus (All Glass)
- Electrophoresis with Power Pack
- Flame Photometer
- Homogeniser
- Hot Air Oven
- Incubator
- Magnetic Stirrer
- PH Meter
- Spectrophotometer
- Stopwatch Digital
- Thermometer
- UV Lamp
- Vortex Mixer
- Refrigerator
List of Ongoing Research Projects:
- Dr. Mohammed Elyas, Dr. Suresh Bhambhani, Dr. Vishal Jain. "Prognostic Significance Of Serum Uric Acid Levels In Congestive Cardiac Failure Due To Rheumatic Valvular Disease And Its Correlation With Ejection Fraction."
- Dr. Vikas Goyal, Dr. Suresh Bhambhani, Dr. Tanvi Saxena. "A Study Of Vitamin D And C-Reactive Protein Levels In Acute Coronary Syndrome."
- Dr. Vikas Goyal, Dr. Suresh Bhambhani, Dr. Harish Kumar Indoria. "To Evaluate Cardiac Dysfunction In Hepatitis-B Positive Liver Cirrhotic Patient."
- Dr. Suresh Bhambhani, Dr. Mohd Imran Khan, Dr. Ravi Agrawal. "Correlation Between 6 Minute Walk Test And Pulmonary Artery Hypertension In Patients Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease."
- Dr. S. M. Hussain, Dr. K. M. Mehdi, Dr. Shivam Choudhary. "Study On The Prevalence Of Cardio Renal Syndrome In Type 2 Diabetic Patients."
- Dr. Mohammed Elyas, Dr. Amit Verma, Dr. Vivek Pandey. "Study Of Thyroid Function In Liver Cirrhosis And Its Correlation With Severity Of Liver Disease, A Cross-Sectional Study."
- Dr. Mohammed Elyas, Dr. Shweta Gadekar, Dr. Sukhdayal Kumhar. "Correlation Between Elevated Serum Ferritin And HbA1c In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus."
- Dr. Suresh Bhambhani, Dr. Shweta Gadekar, Dr. Kuldeep Singh. "Clinical Profile And Outcomes In Patients With Acute Kidney Injury: An Observational Study."
- Dr. Seema Mahant, Dr. Sourabh Agrawal, Dr. Utsav Yadav. "Impact Of Research & Nursing Education On Ward Hand Hygiene And Reduction In Central Lines Associated Infections."
- Dr. Dheeraj Bhambhani, Dr. Suresh Bhambhani. "Compare the Surgical Site Infection in Elective Laparotomy versus Emergency Laparotomy." International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2022;14(7):804-809.
- Dr. Dheeraj Bhambhani, Dr. Suresh Bhambhani. "Psychological Distress and its Associated Risk Factors Among Healthcare Professionals of India During Coronavirus Diseases 2019 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis." @2022 Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science University.
- Elyas Mohammad, Y Srinivas. "Clinicopathological Study of Patient with Pancytopenia." International Journal of Research in Medical Science. Srinivas Y et al. Int J Res Med.Sci. 2021 Jan;9(1):xxx-xxx. [www.msjonline.org](http://www.msjonline.org), DOI: [https://dx.doi.org/10.36106/2320-6012.ijrms2020](https://dx.doi.org/10.36106/2320-6012.ijrms2020)????, pISSN 2320-6071/eISSN2320-6012.
- Goyal Vikas, Gupta Sanjay. "Comparison of Uric Level in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with PCOS and without PCOS." Indian Journal of Scientific Research. Volume 11, Issue 06, June-2021. Print No. 2249-555x/DOI 10.36106/ijar. Volume 10, Issue 05, May 2021. Print ISSN No. 2277-8197.
- Goyal Vikas, Gupta Sanjay. "Comparison of Uric Level in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with PCOS and without PCOS." Indian Journal of Applied Research. Volume 11, Issue 06, June-2021. Print No. 2249-555x/DOI 10.36106/ijar.
- Manjiri Ravindra Kulkarni. "Assessment of Serum Uric Acid Levels in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarctions." ISSN(0)2661-8290, ISSN(p)-2663-8282. 30/12/2020.
- Manjiri Ravindra Kulkarni. "A Study of Clinical Profile of the Patient with Acute Hepatic Encephalopathy in a Tertiary Health Care Centre." 17/05/2020, [moi.org](http://moi.org)/10-26611-10211426.
- Hussain Maqsood, Malvi Hakimuddin. "Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among MBBS Students of Chirayu Medical College of Bhopal District M.P." IJAR. Volume 11, Issue 03 / March -2021. Print No. 2249-55X, DOI: 10.36106/ijar.
- Hussain Maqsood, Malvi Hakimuddin. "Prevalence of Hypertension Amid Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus at a Tertiary Level Hospital in Central India." International Journal of Scientific Research. Volume 10, Issue-02 / February-2021. Print ISSN No. 2277-8179/DOI: 10.36106/IJSR.
- Elyas Mohammad, Shirish. "Clinical Spectrum of Organophosphorus Poisoning in a Rural Medical College." MRIMS Journal of Health Science. Volume 8/Issue 3/ July-September 2020.
- Gadekar Shweta, Parae Tilottama. "Valvular Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease." Vidarbha Journal of Internal Medicine. Volume 28, January 2020.
- Gavli JK, Bhalavi V, Tripathi U. "Prothrombin Time: Relation with Hyperthyroidism in Early Stage." IJSR 2020;(12)1498-1499.
- Gavli JK, Bhalavi V, Tripathi U. "Hypertension in Hyperthyroidism: A Clinical Study." IJSR 2020/9(12)1584-1586.
- "Cardiac Change in Isolated Systolic Hypertension in Elderly with Special Reference to Electrocardiography and Echocardiography Study."
- Pandey Ashwani, Sagar Anand, Malvi Mutafa, Sharma Ashish. "Department of Medicine, R. D. Gurdi Medical College, Ujjain, (M.P.) India." International Journal of Health and Clinical Research. 2021;4(1):158-165. Received 01.11.2020 / Revised: 11.12.2020 / Accepted 02.01.2021. e-ISSN: 2590-3241, p-ISSN: 2590-325X.
- Echocardiographic Evaluation of Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients. Dr. Anan Sager, Dr. Neha Chaturvedi, Dr. Unique Sager, Dr. Mustafa Malvi. ISSN: 2589-8698, ISSN: 2589-868X. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies. Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2021: Page No. 115-119.
- Clinical Profile of Patient with Thrombocytopenia - A Clinical Study. Dr. Praveen Gulab Dandekar, Dr. Rajesh Bhagchandani, Dr. Sanjay Gupta. ISSN 0975-3583, 0976-2833. Vol.13 Issue-01 2023.
- Waist-to-Height Ratio in Assessing Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in School-Going Children. Dr. Praveen Gulab Dandekar, Dr. Rajesh Bhagchandani. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. ISSN 0975-3583, 0976-2833. Vol.13 Issue-01 2022.
- Rajendra Kumar Jatav, Mamta B. Kumbhare. "Chronic Anemia in Adult Patient with Cardiovascular Disease, Diagnosed Clinically and by Trans-Thoracic Two-Dimensional Echocardiography: A Semi-Urban Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital Study." Dr. PISSN 2349-3925 / eISSN 2349-3933.
- Rajendra Kumar Jatav, Mamta B. Kumbhare. "Atrial Septal Aneurysm in Adult Patients: Spectrum of Clinical Echocardiographic Presentation and Proposal of a New Classification Based on Trans-Thoracic Two-Dimensional Echocardiography." pISSN 2320-6071 / eISSN 2320-6012.
- Rajendra Kumar Jatav, Mamta B. Kumbhare. "Cutaneous Manifestation of Diabetes Mellitus in Adult Patients of Telangana Region of South India." Dr. PISSN 2183-1904.
Other Labs
- Students Practical Laboratory
- Central Research Laboratory
The department maintains a well equipped museum with specimens, charts and graphs.
Important Equipment
- Multipara Monitors
- Ventilators
- HFNC Machines
- Upper GI Endoscope
- Dialysis Machines
- Echo – Color Doppler
- Resuscitation Kit
- Pulse Oximeters
- Colonoscope
- Holter
- Crash Cart
- Computerized PFT Equipment
- Syringe Pumps
- Bronchoscope
- Defibrillators
- ABG Analyzer
- CRRT Machine
- Nebulizers
Highlights & Activities
Research Work:
Our department is actively involved in various research projects aimed at advancing medical science and improving patient care. We encourage faculty and students to participate in research activities and contribute to the field through innovative studies and publications.
Events & News:
Stay updated with the latest events, seminars, workshops, and news related to the Department of Medicine.
Publication List:
- Dr. Dheeraj Bhambhani, Dr. Suresh Bhambhani, Dr. Vishal Jain. "Compare the Surgical Site Infection in Elective Laparotomy versus Emergency Laparotomy." International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2022;14(7):804-809.
- Dr. Dheeraj Bhambhani, Dr. Suresh Bhambhani. "Psychological Distress and its Associated Risk Factors Among Healthcare Professionals of India During Coronavirus Diseases 2019 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis." @2022 Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science University.
- Elyas Mohammad, Y Srinivas. "Clinicopathological Study of Patient with Pancytopenia." International Journal of Research in Medical Science. Srinivas Y et al. Int J Res Med.Sci. 2021 Jan;9(1):xxx-xxx, [www.msjonline.org](http://www.msjonline.org), DOI: [https://dx.doi.org/10.36106/2320-6012.ijrms2020](https://dx.doi.org/10.36106/2320-6012.ijrms2020)????, pISSN 2320-6071/eISSN2320-6012.
- Goyal Vikas, Gupta Sanjay. "Comparison of Uric Level in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with PCOS and without PCOS." Indian Journal of Scientific Research. Volume 11, Issue 06, June-2021. Print No. 2249-555x/DOI 10.36106/ijar. Volume 10, Issue 05, May 2021. Print ISSN No. 2277-8197.
- Goyal Vikas, Gupta Sanjay. "Comparison of Uric Level in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with PCOS and without PCOS." Indian Journal of Applied Research. Volume 11, Issue 06, June-2021. Print No. 2249-555x/DOI 10.36106/ijar.
- Manjiri Ravindra Kulkarni. "Assessment of Serum Uric Acid Levels in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarctions." ISSN(0)2661-8290, ISSN(p)-2663-8282. 30/12/2020.
- Manjiri Ravindra Kulkarni. "A Study of Clinical Profile of the Patient with Acute Hepatic Encephalopathy in a Tertiary Health Care Centre." 17/05/2020, [moi.org](http://moi.org)/10-26611-10211426.
- Hussain Maqsood, Malvi Hakimuddin. "Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among MBBS Students of Chirayu Medical College of Bhopal District M.P." IJAR. Volume 11, Issue 03 / March -2021. Print No. 2249-55X, DOI: 10.36106/ijar.
- Hussain Maqsood, Malvi Hakimuddin. "Prevalence of Hypertension Amid Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus at a Tertiary Level Hospital in Central India." International Journal of Scientific Research. Volume 10, Issue-02 / February-2021. Print ISSN No. 2277-8179/DOI: 10.36106/IJSR.
- Elyas Mohammad, Shirish. "Clinical Spectrum of Organophosphorus Poisoning in a Rural Medical College." MRIMS Journal of Health Science. Volume 8/Issue 3/ July-September 2020.
- Gadekar Shweta, Parae Tilottama. "Valvular Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease." Vidarbha Journal of Internal Medicine. Volume 28, January 2020.
- Gavli JK, Bhalavi V, Tripathi U. "Prothrombin Time: Relation with Hyperthyroidism in Early Stage." IJSR 2020;(12)1498-1499.
- Gavli JK, Bhalavi V, Tripathi U. "Hypertension in Hyperthyroidism: A Clinical Study." IJSR 2020/9(12)1584-1586.
- "Cardiac Change in Isolated Systolic Hypertension in Elderly with Special Reference to Electrocardiography and Echocardiography Study."
- Pandey Ashwani, Sagar Anand, Malvi Mutafa, Sharma Ashish. "Department of Medicine, R. D. Gurdi Medical College, Ujjain, (M.P.) India." International Journal of Health and Clinical Research. 2021;4(1):158-165. Received 01.11.2020 / Revised: 11.12.2020 / Accepted 02.01.2021. e-ISSN: 2590-3241, p-ISSN: 2590-325X.
- Echocardiographic Evaluation of Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients. Dr. Anan Sager, Dr. Neha Chaturvedi, Dr. Unique Sager, Dr. Mustafa Malvi. ISSN: 2589-8698, ISSN: 2589-868X. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies. Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2021: Page No. 115-119.
- Clinical Profile of Patient with Thrombocytopenia - A Clinical Study. Dr. Praveen Gulab Dandekar, Dr. Rajesh Bhagchandani, Dr. Sanjay Gupta. ISSN 0975-3583, 0976-2833. Vol.13 Issue-01 2023.
- Waist-to-Height Ratio in Assessing Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in School-Going Children. Dr. Praveen Gulab Dandekar, Dr. Rajesh Bhagchandani. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. ISSN 0975-3583, 0976-2833. Vol.13 Issue-01 2022.
- Rajendra Kumar Jatav, Mamta B. Kumbhare. "Chronic Anemia in Adult Patient with Cardiovascular Disease, Diagnosed Clinically and by Trans-Thoracic Two-Dimensional Echocardiography: A Semi-Urban Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital Study." Dr. PISSN 2349-3925 / eISSN 2349-3933.
- Rajendra Kumar Jatav, Mamta B. Kumbhare. "Atrial Septal Aneurysm in Adult Patients: Spectrum of Clinical Echocardiographic Presentation and Proposal of a New Classification Based on Trans-Thoracic Two-Dimensional Echocardiography." pISSN 2320-6071 / eISSN 2320-6012.
- Rajendra Kumar Jatav, Mamta B. Kumbhare. "Cutaneous Manifestation of Diabetes Mellitus in Adult Patients of Telangana Region of South India." Dr. PISSN 2183-1904.