The department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion at Chirayu Medical College & Hospital, Bhopal was started in the year 2024. The Department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion (IHBT) at Chirayu medical college and hospital is an advanced and fully equipped blood bank. The department and Blood centre supports the 1000 bedded Chirayu Hospital and super-speciality Chirayu Cancer Hospital.
Chirayu Blood Centre is always ready to meet the requirement of the patient. It is a well-equipped Centre with the latest state of the art equipment to continuously supply safe blood and Blood components of assured quality. Blood is collected through voluntary donations and replacement blood donations. Our blood bank is registered with the FDA and NACO.
Chirayu Blood Centre vouches to provide best quality of blood Transfusion services in the form of safe supply of blood and blood components for patient care through a quality assurance system.
The Department is providing therapeutic services to ailing patients to almost all the regions of the State. Both ordinary and specialized investigations have been conducted by this department.
Donor Area
By checking donors for a history of communicable diseases, this sector offers services to process blood that is completely safe. Every donor is undergoing a proper medical evaluation. On the spot, professional donors are being turned away. The department is currently using SAGM Triple Bags to give patients receiving treatment from the many super-specialties that are exclusive to this institute superior quality blood and 100% component facilities. In addition, the Department supplies other large hospitals in the valley with high-quality components.
Cross Match Area
To reduce the possibility of a transfusion reaction, the Department only distributes blood following appropriate cross-matching. From receiving blood and its components to delivering them, proper quality control is maintained at every stage.
Advanced Immunohematology Lab
Regular blood and component screening for HbsAG, HIV, HCV, VDRL, malaria, and other abnormal antibodies is carried out by the Department. Additionally, the Department handles hemophilia. Additionally, the department routinely provides free platelet counts and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to patients receiving chemotherapy who have low platelet counts. Every day, roughly 30 units of these components are distributed. Additionally, the Department offers protein supplements to a number of chronically ill patients. The department is prepared to handle any kind of emergency at any moment and is addressing the needs of numerous super-specialties that require large transfusions, such as CVTS, neurosurgeries, hepatic operations, accident & emergencies, etc.
Undergraduate Course: MBBS
Teaching Faculty
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- Counsellors Room
- Medical Examination
- Room for Doctors
- Blood Donation Room
- Apheresis Room
- Therapeutic Phlebotomy Room
- Refreshment and Post-Donation Counselling Room
Services Provided by the Department:
- Blood Group Serology-ABO/RH for Patient/Donor
- Pre Transfusion Testing
- Compatibility testing for ABO/RH Semi and fully Automated
- Antibody screening in donor blood
- Antibody screening Diagnostic
- Direct Coombs
- Indirect Coombs
- Screening for Transfusion Transmitted Infections for Blood donors
- RPR for syphilis
- Malaria Antigen
- Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT)
- Blood Processing –Component Separation
- Packed Red Blood Cells PRBC
- Platelet Concentrate PC
- Platelet Rich Plasma PRP
- Fresh Frozen Plasma FFP
- Cryoprecipitate
- Aphaeresis -Single Donor Plateletpheresis (SDP)
- Autologous donation
- Therapeutic Phlebotomy
- Therapeutic Aphaeresis
- Donor Motivation and Donor Counselling
- Donor Recruitment -Voluntary and Replacement
- Donor Blood Collection – Inhouse and field Camps
- Blood Quarantine and Blood Storage
- Neonatal Exchange Transfusion
- Issue of Blood and Blood products
- Therapeutic Phlebotomy
- Stem Cell Apheresis
- Point of Care Coagulation Test
- Transplant Immunology Lab
- Blood Donation camps – We organize in house and field blood donation camps.
- Resident /Nursing Education and awareness on Recent advances in Transfusion medicine - We also bear responsibility to educate the nursing staff and technical staff about the blood transfusion activities so that event less transfusion can be performed every time.
Departmental Library
The departmental library boasts of 158 books with various new editions added in the current year. Many national and international journals are also available to students and faculty to stay abreast in recent developments. The central library provides access to various online forums.
Research & Other Labs
The departmental research lab is well equipped with research facilities. Computer, Printer and internet serves. Well equipped with required equipment and Flowcytometry machine.
List of Ongoing Research Projects:
- Dr Manal Ashraf Ali, Dr Ankita Pal, Dr Divya Machevar: A powerful tool “flow cytometry” in the field of transfusion medicine, an experience in tertiary care center.
- Dr Mahesh C Patil, Dr Rajdeep Paul, Dr Ankita Pal, Dr Ritu Asnani, Dr. Neetu Kumar: Evaluation of HLA Class I and Class II Alleles Using Microcytotoxicity and Flow Cytometry: A Study of Methodological Accuracy and Clinical Applications.
- Dr Naish Akhtar, Dr Manal Ashraf Ali, Dr Farah Jalaly: Flowcytometric analysis of activation of platelets in diabetes mellitus- a prospective analysis
Other Labs:
- Students practical laboratory
- Central research laboratory
- TTI Lab
- Component Lab
- Immuno-haematology Lab
- Quality Control Lab
- Cross-match Lab
The department maintains a well-equipped museum with specimens, charts, and graphs. Established Photographic Section & Art Section.
Important Equipment
- Centrifuge machine
- Incubator
- Card centrifuge
- Card incubator
- Compound microscope
- Blood component storage refrigerator
- Apheresis machine
- Tube Sealer machine
- Blood component separator/Refrigerator centrifuge machine
- Laminar air flow bench
- Plasma extractor
- Plasma cryo thawer
- Platelet incubator and agitator
- Autoclave machine
- Hot air oven
- pH meter
- Cell counter
- Plasma and Hb estimation machine
- Hb measurement machine
- PT APTT semi-automated machine
- Extended antibodies panel reader
- Thromboelastography Machine
- Blood collection monitor
- Oxygen cylinder with Mask
- Emergency medicine tray/Crash cart
- Thermometer
- Pulse oximeter
- Donor couch
- Donor apheresis couch
- PRP centrifuge machine
- Elisa reader and washer
- Water bath
- Blood presser instrument
- Digital weighing machine
- Pipettes
Highlights & Activities
Events & News:
Quality Management and Participation in EQAS- All procedures and activities in our blood bank follows a strict Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Exclusive quality control is done to screen the reagents and kits that are used in the Blood bank. 1% of all blood components are subjected to Quality control analysis by in-house and Hospital laboratories. Quality assurance is ascertained to ensure supply of safe unit of blood.
Publication List
- Pandey G, Nichlani R, Jalaly F, Durrani N, Ali M.A Correlation of cytomorphology with flow cytometric in patients of acute leukemia in tertiary care hospital: Correlation with flow cytometric in patients of acute Leukemia. Journal of Pathology of Nepal (2022) Vol. 12, 1918 – 1922.
- Singh M, Jalaly F, Ali M. A, Spectrum of Lesions in Skin Biopsy in a Tertiary Care Hospital”, International Journal of Health and clinical research, 2021:4(11):151-155
- Singh M., Kumar N, Jalaly F. Molecular study of breast cancer by IHC and its correction with histopathological grading, International Journal of Medical Science & Current Research, Volume 5, Issue 2, Page no. 239-248, March- April 2022…