Anatomy Department is located in the campus of Chirayu Medical College & Hospital Bhopal’s sprawling Medical College Building with dissection hall, faculty rooms, histology lab and seminar rooms and Museum on the ground floor with lecture theatre and examination hall on the 4 th and 5th floor.
The objective of the department is to train and teach undergraduate students to provide comprehensive knowledge of the gross and microscopic structure and development of human body to provide a basis for understanding the clinical correlation of organs or structures involved and the anatomical basis for the disease presentations.
Anatomy is subdivided into gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy. Gross anatomy is the study of anatomical structures that can be seen by unaided vision, while microscopic anatomy is the study of minute anatomical structures assisted with microscopes. The department is actively introducing advanced learning and teaching methods into the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.
Undergraduate Course: MBBS
Postgraduate Course: M.D. Anatomy
Teaching Faculty
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- Dissection Hall: Dissection Hall is fully equipped having 20 large, 05 small dissection tables. Mortuary, Cooling Chamber, Body Cutting Machine, and Embalming Machine. Fully ventilated with adequate exhaust fans in the dissection hall and embalming room.
- Histology Laboratory: Histology Lab fully equipped with 90 Microscopes, including Trinocular Research Microscopes with CCTV cameras and monitors.
- Demonstration Room: Demonstration room with overhead projectors.
Departmental Library: Department Library has separate reading facilities for faculty and students with the latest edition textbooks and current National & International journals. The library contains 90 books.
Departmental Library
The Departmental Library offers separate reading facilities for faculty and students, featuring the latest edition textbooks and current National & International journals. The library contains 90 books.
Research & Other Labs
The department houses several specialized labs to support various aspects of anatomical research and studies:
- Departmental Research Lab: Departmental research lab is well equipped with research facilities, computers, printers, internet services, 5 research microscopes, an Automatic Tissue Processor, Microtome, and cutting & staining equipment.
- Research Projects in Progress:
- Dr. A.S Mangalgiri, Study of fused vertebrae in central Indian Population
- Dr. A.S Mangalgiri, Study of branching Pattern in arch of aorta with clinical correlation.
- Dr. Bipinchandra Khade, Importance of student feedback in medical education: A study using online application.
- Dr. Rashmi Jaiswal, Dr. A.S Mangalgiri Anatomical Variations of the Profunda Femoris Artery.
- Dr. Rashmi Jaiswal, Dr. A.S Mangalgiri, Morphometric Study of Psoas Minor Muscle. A Cadaveric Study.
- Dr. Rashmi Jaiswal, Dr. A.S Mangalgiri Estimation Of Stature From Percutaneous Length Of Ulna.
- Dr. Bipinchandra Khade, Importance of student feedback in medical education: A study using online application.
- Dr. Rashmi Jaiswal, Dr. A.S Mangalgiri Students Perception on Anatomy Online Teaching During Covid-19 Pandemic.
- Dr. Sachin Gupta, Dr. Rashmi Jaiswal, Dr. Krishna Gopal Singh. Cross Sectional Study Regarding Awareness of Covid-19 Disease & Prevention Among Medical Students.
- Dr. Rashmi Jaiswal, Dr. A.S Mangalgiri Stature Estimation from Percutaneous Length Of Tibia In Adult Population.
- Dr. A.S Mangalgiri, Dr. Rashmi Jaiswal. A Cadaveric Study of Anatomical Variations In Formation of Median Nerve and Its Relations To Axillary Artery And Brachial Artery.
- Dr. Rashmi Jaiswal, Dr. A.S Mangalgiri. Readiness of Self-Directed Learning Among MBBS Phase I Students in Anatomy Learning. A Cross-Sectional Study.
- Dr. Rashmi Jaiswal, Dr. A.S Mangalgiri. Comparative Study of Self-Directed Learning versus Traditional Learning In Anatomy. An Interventional Study.
- Other Labs:
- Histology Lab
- Anthropology Lab
- Genetic Lab
- Morphometry Lab
- Embryology Lab
- Neuroanatomy Lab
- X-Ray Lab
The department maintains a well-equipped museum with specimens, charts, and graphs. The museum has different wings:
- Osteology
- Radiology
- Embryology & Genetics
- Gross Anatomy
- Histology Charts
Outstanding models of Embryology prepared by students are displayed. The museum also has established photographic and art sections.
Important Equipment
- Microscopes
- Special Microscopes
- Microscopes with camera
- General and Special-Stained Histology Slides
- Computers with Printers
- Reagents for Tissue Processing
- Embalming Machines and Reagents for Embalming
- Equipment and Reagents for Karyotyping/ Chromosome Analysis
- Advanced Technology Anthropology Instruments
- Histology Special Stains
- Separate head and neck bones like ethmoid, sphenoid bones
- Separate Bones of Hand And Foot
- Developing Bones Showing Epiphysis
- Developing Embryo slides
- Specially Stained Histology Slides
- Meat (Body) Cutting machine
- Dissecting Laboratory Microscope
- Hot Air Oven
- Rotary Microtome
- Sledge Microtome
- Paraffin Wax bath
- Distilled Water Plant
- Refrigerator
- Cooling Cabinet
- Digital Scale
- Automatic Tissue Processor
- Microtome & cutting & staining equipment.
Highlights & Activities
Details about awards received by the department and faculty.
Book Publications:
- ‘Beautiful Nose Inside Story - Atlas of Surgical Anatomy of Nose and Important Procedures’ - 2010 By: Dr. S.N. Lulay & Dr. A. S. Mangalgiri
- Atlas of Thyroid Surgery – 2013 By Dr. Maadan Kapre, Dr. Devendra Mahore, Dr. Ashutosh Mangalgiri
Events & News:
Updates on recent events and news related to the department.
Publication List:
- DASARAJU R, PATIL GOUDA B, BENDE M, MANGALGIRI A, MUPPALA T. Audit of USFDA Approvals For 2022 From The Perspective of Innovation. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (AJPCR) Issue Vol 16 Issue 7, July, 2023.
- Dasaraju R, Muppala T, Gupta S, Mangalgiri A. Publication of Healthcare Research – Current Scenario and Potential Solutions. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume No. 15 issue no.1 January-March 2024.
- Rashmi Jaiswal. Small Group Dissection versus Traditional Lecture in Anatomy Teaching: A Cross Sectional Study. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology & Surgery, 2023, May Vol-12 (3) A009-A014.
- KB Dogra, MV Motagi, Vaidya YP. A Cadaveric study on the comparison of histomorphometric parameters of pre-transverse segment of right and left vertebral arteries. International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy. 2023;5(6):617-621.
- K, Dogra N Puri, D S Puri, Puri. Association of second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) with risk prediction of coronary artery disease among females of North-West India. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2023;14(12):69-78.
- Rashmi Jaiswal, Ashutosh Mangalgiri, Sumit T Patil. Evaluating The Effectiveness Of The Flipped Classroom Model In Anatomy Education: A Quasi Experimental Study. IJARS 2024 Nov.-Dec, Vol-13(6): AO01-AO05.
- Chanu MD, Dogra KB, Paul R, Sankhwar DK, Singh K. Prospective evaluation of anti CCP and Rheumatoid factors as predictors of joint damage in early Rheumatoid arthritis. Afr J Biomed Res. October 2024;27(3s):2019-2022.
- Chanu MD, Dogra KB, Singh K, Paul R. The burden of intestinal parasitic infections in children: A study on microbial interaction and clinical implications. Revista Electronica de Veterinaria. 2024;25(1):2286-2287.