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Chirayu Medical College & Hospital

( A Venture of Chirayu Charitable Foundation )

Details of All Research Publications - Chirayu Medical College & Hospital

Details of All Research Publications




1.Mangalgiri AS, Patil M, Sherke AR, Longia GS

Study of Infra renal segment of Inferior vena cava andassociated accessory renal

artery: A Case Report.

Anatomical Society of India. 2007; 56 (2): 52-53.



Mangalgiri AS, Sherke AR, Razvi R, Longia GS.

Study of changes at the surface of superior articular facet at thoracolumbar region.

Journal of Anatomical Sciences. 2008; 16(2): 1- 5.



Mangalgiri AS, Pathak SA.

Cytogenetics in Recurrent Abortions.

Peoples Journal of Scientific Research. Vol.1, July 2008, P. No. 5 – 8.



Mangalgiri AS, Razvi R., Longia GS.

Clinical Anatomy of Vocal Cord.

Peoples Journal ofScientific Research. Vol.1, July 2008, p – 35 – 38.



Mangalgiri AS, Sherke AR.

Polydactyly 24: A Case Report.

International Journal of Anatomical Variations.2009; 2: 146-149.


Mangalgiri AS, Razvi R, Saoji R, Deopujari SB.

Laryngeal Cleft.

Pediatric Oncall. 2010[cited 2010June] vol. 7Issue 6.


Sarkar D, Sarkar S, Mangalgiri AS, ThakurG, Beohar V.

Marginal Mandibular nerve palsy as an unusual complication in Ludwig’s Angina.

Pediatric Oncall. 2010 [Cited 2010 Feb 1] vol. 7.


Mangalgiri AS, Satpathi DK, Razvi R, Naik DC.

Study of metopism in skulls of Central India.

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine& Toxicology. 2010 January-June, 4(1): 74-78


Mangalagiri ASand Razvi R.

Variations in the Anterior Belly of Diagastric

International Journal of Health Sciences, 2009; 3 (2): 257-262.


Deopujari R; Mangalgiri AS; Longia GS

Study of Jugular foramen variations in Central India

Journal of Anatomical Sciences.2010; 18(2): 25-30.


Deopujari R; Mangalgiri AS; Dixit A; Longia GS

Neural Tube Defect Spectrum-Study of Craniorachischisis

Peoples Journalof Scientific Research. Vol.4 (1), Jan 2011, p–23-27.


Kapre Madan; Mangalgiri Ashutosh; Mahore Devendra

Study of Thyrolingual Trunk and Its Clinical Relevance.

Indian journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck surgery, published online on December 20, 2011


KapreMadan; Mangalgiri Ashutosh

Clinical Importance of Duplication of Internal JugularVein

Indian journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck surgery,2012;64 (4): 386 – 388.


Satpathi DK, Mangalgiri AS

A topographic study of Wormian (Sutural) bones and their clinical significance in the region of parietal bone in human skulls of Central India.

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine& Toxicology. (Accepted for publication)


Deopujari R, Satpathi DK, Mangalgiri AS

Clinical importance of anatomical variant s of sciatic nerve in relation to the piriformis muscle.

National Journal of Clinical Anatomy, 2012; vol 1(4): 160 – 164.


Deopujari R, Mangalgiri AS, Satpathi DK, Khanzode LS.

Study of Ossification of Carotid – Clenoid Ligament and Interclenoid Ligament in Skulls of Central India and its Clinical Implications.

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine& Toxicology. 2014;8(2): 143-145.


Mangalgiri Ashutosh; Mahore Devendra; Kapre Madan.

Study of a Unique ‘Inverted U’ shaped thyroid gland and its clinical importance.

Indian journal of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery.2014;66(2):224-225.


Mangalgiri Ashutosh, Suri AD, Satpathi DK, Khanzode LS

Study of Origin of left vertebral artery from the arch of aorta in central India and its clinical relevance.

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. July-Dec 2014; 8(2):161-164.


Mangalgiri Ashutosh; Namdev L N, Mahore Devendra; Kapre Madan.

The Study of Higher Origin of Facial Artery and its Surgical Significance

Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2015; 67(1):72-74.


Mangalgiri AS, Satpathi DK, Bhojwani R.

Study of Os Zygomaticum Bipartitum In Skulls of Central India

J of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2015; 37(1): 59-61.


Mangalgiri A, Mahore D. Accessory parotid gland: its surgical importance.                                         

Int J Med Res Rev 2016;4(10):1903- 1906



International Journal of Anatomy and Research, Int J Anat Res 2017, Vol 5(1):3447-50.

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.502


Mahore D, Mangalgiri AS, Namdev LN, Kapre M

Variations of Retromandibular Vein and its relation to facial nerve within parotid gland

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-018-1389-1


Mangalgiri, A., Mahore, D. & Kapre, M.

Pyramidal Artery: An Artery to Pyramidal Lobe—A New Nomenclature

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12070-018-1391-7


Dr RASHMI JAISWAL, Assistant Professor

Rashmi Jaiswal. Determination Of Age By Human Sternum. International Journal of Anatomy and Research, July-Aug-Sept, 2018;6(3..2):5525-5530. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar 2018.270.


Date of Publication -10th August, 2018(Online and Print)


Indexed – Index Copernicus.




Member of Editorial Reviewers Board of Journal of Clinical And Diagnostic Research(JCDR)

Editorial Board member of National Journal Of Clinical Anatomy.




Life Member of Society of Clinical Anatomists since 1st February, 2018.


Life Member of Association of Private Medical Practitioners, Bhopal, M P since September, 2016.


Life Member of Anatomical Society of India since 23rd November, 2013.


Life Member of Indian Medical Association since 28th April, 2004.




I) Author : Pradip Kumar Bhattacharya

Title : A pilot study to evaluate whatsapp as a supportive media tool for teaching and learning amongst resident doctors working in intensive care unit

Citation : IJSR. Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018 | ISSN No 2277 – 8179 | IF : 4.758 | IC Value : 93.98

Indexing : Google Scholar  Index Copernicus(ICV: 69.48) Illustrata  Jour Informatics Scirus Socolar Thomson Reuters IISS DJOF DRJI Cite  Factor International Society of Universal Research in Sciences


II) Author : Dr Pradip Kumar Bhattacharya, Dr Saurabh G Agarwal, Navya Guwalani, Nimita Deora

Title : Retrospective analysis of outcomes in patients growing gram Negative multidrug resistant (MDR) isolates from a tertiary care centre

Citation : IJSR. Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018 | ISSN No 2277 – 8179 | IF : 4.758 | IC Value : 93.98

Indexing : Google Scholar  Index Copernicus(ICV: 69.48) Illustrata  Jour Informatics Scirus Socolar Thomson Reuters IISS DJOF DRJI Cite Factor International Society of Universal Research in Science


III) Author : Dr. Akanksha Agarwal, Dr. P.K. Bhattacharya, Dr. G.N. Chavan.

Title: Effect of Preoprative Anaesthesia Counselling on patients recovery after    surgery under general Anaesthesia.

Citation: Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analegesia, Jan 2018/Vol.5, issue no.1

Indexing: Google Scholar  Index Copernicus(ICV: 2015: 68.67, 2016: 75.65) Index Copernicus


IV) Author : Dr. Sasmita Panda

 Title : Comparison of Two Strengths of Butorphanol Added to Hyperbaric Bupivacaine Given Intrathecally in Lower Abdominal or Lower Limb Surgery

Citation : National Journal of Research, Volume-7, Issue-3, March-2018, ISSN-2250-1991, IF:6.761, IC Value: 86.18

Indexing : Index Copernicus.


V) Author : Dr.Virendra Raghuwanshi ,  Dr. Sasmita Panda

 Title : A Comparative Study Of Propofol-Ketamine and Propofol- Fentanyl For Total Intravenous Anaesthesi For Short Surgical Cases In Paediatric Patients.

Citation : (GJRA) Global Jouranl For Research Analysis | ICV: 2018: 85.78 | Volume 7 | Issue 3 | March

Indexing : Index Copernicus



Author : Dr.Santosh Kumar Bhaskar, Dr.Shailendra Dawer

Title : Magnesium Sulphate (150mg) as an adjunct in USG guided SCB is better than potassium chloride(0.2mmoles) for postoperative analgesia in adult surgical patients.

Citation : International journal of Scientific Research, Vol-6/Issue-8/August-2017/ISSN No 2277-8179 Page 139-140.

Indexing : Index- Copernicus



Author : Dr.G.N.Chavan, Dr.Aparna Chavan

Title : Efficacy of Low Dose Intrathecal Fentanyl Added to Bupivacaine in Cesarean Section- An Observational Study

Citation: Indian Jounal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, Vol-4, No-4/October- Dec 2017/ ISSN 2349-8471.Page-1051-1056.

Indexing : Index Copernicus



Author : Dr.G.N.Chavan, Dr.Shailendra Dawar

Title : Effects of types of Anesthesia on Neurobehavioral Response and APGAR Score in Neonates Delivered with Cesarean Section at CMCH Bhopal.

Citation : Indian Jounal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, Vol-4, No-4/October-Dec 2017/ ISSN 2349-8471.Page-951-956.

Indexing : Index Copernicus



Author : Roshan Chanchalani, G.N.Chavan

Title : Patient satisfaction level in a Day care Surgical unit of a tertiary care teaching hospital- A study from central India

Citation : International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences. Vol-3, Issue 2, June-Nov ISSN 2455-0809.

Indexing : Index Copernicus.



Author :  Reetu Verma, Shikha Mehrotra

Title : Comparison between Intrathecal Isobaric Bupivacaine 0.5% with isobaric Ropivacaine0.75% for LowerLimb Orthopaedic Surgeries: A Double Blind Controlled Study

Citation : International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research

Vol- 4/ Issue- 4/ April 2017, ISSN 2454-7379 page-868-871

Indexing: Index Copernicus



Author : Dr.Santosh Kumar Bhaskar, Dr.Reetu Verma

Title : Comparison of Potassium Chloride(0.2Mm0l) with Magnesium Sulphate(150mg) as an adjuvant on onset time of sensory and motor block with USG guided supraclavicular block in adult surgical patients.

Citation : Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-7/ Issue-7/July-2017/ ISSN-2249-555X, Page-252-254.

Indexing: Index Copernicus



Author : Dr. Reetu Verma , Dr. Deepesh Gupta , Dr. Aditya Agarwal.

Title : Comparison Between Two Different Doses of Intrathecal Dexmedetomidine Along With Bupivacaine in Lower Limb Surgeries

Citation : (IJCMR)   International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research | April: 2017 | Volume 4 | Issue 4 | E-ISSN 2393 – 915X | Print-ISSN 2454 -7379 | ICV: 77.83

Indexing : International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research. ACADEMIA, Index Copernicus.



Author : Dr. Amit Jain, Dr.    Seema Gupta

Tittle : Comparision of Intrathecal Bupivacaine versus Bupivacaine and Clonidine in Lower Limb Orthopaedic Surgery for Haemodynamic Stability and Postoperative Analgesia.

Citation : Journal of Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. / E-ISSN: 2278-4802 / P-ISSN: 2478-4748 / March 2017 / Volume-6, Issue-21

Indexing : Index Copernicus



Author : Chavan GN and Aparna G Chavan

 Title : Spinal Anesthesia as an Alternative to General Anesthesia for Emergency Laprotomies in ASA Grade III and IV Patients. An Observational Study at RIMS, Adilabad, Telangana.

Citation of Journal : J Anesth Clin Res 2016, Volume:7 Issue:5, ISSN: 2155-6148

Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus



Author : Dr.Shailendra Dawar, Dr.Santosh Kumar Bhaskar

Title : A Comparison between Rocuronium bromide and Succinylcholine in intubating conditions in adult surgical patients.

Citation of Journal :  International journal of scientific research. Vol-5, Issue-10 Oct

2016/ICV : 69.48, ISSN No. 2277-8179

Details of Indexing: Index– Copernicus



Author :  Dr.Shailendra Dawar, Dr.Santosh Kumar Bhaskar

Title : A comparison of hemodynamic variability between Rocuronium Bromide and Succinylcholine  in adult surgical patients.

Citation of Journal :  Indian Journal Of Applied Research. Vol.6 Issue-11, Nov 2016.

ICV  :74.50/ISSN No. 2249-555X

Details of Indexing : Index – Copernicus.




Dr. Manishi Singh


Author : Dr. Manishi Singh

Title : Induced biochemical changes and associated complications in smokers.  Citation : IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB)

ISSN 2455-264X, Vol. 1, Issue 4 (May – June 2015) PP 15-18.

Indexing : IC Journals, CrossRef, SAO/NASA,  arXiv (arXiv.org), American National Engineering Database (ANED), Google Scholar



Author : Dr. Manishi Singh

Title : Effect of exchange transfusion in biochemical parameters in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia

Citation : Journal of pure and applied microbiology. Accepted for publication. ISSN: 09737510 JPAM Vol.9 No. 03 2015

Indexing : Scopus (Elsevier), CAS Source Index



Author : Dr. Manishi Singh

Title : Study of ascorbic acid in the precancerous stage of Oral – Cancer

Citation : National Journal of Medical and Dental Science. ISSN(p): 23200367 ISSN(e): 23200375 njmdr_3416_15 Vol. 3 issue 4 July – September

Indexing :



Author : Dr. Manishi Singh

Title : Effect of exchange Transfusion in Bilirubin and calcium level in Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia

Citation : International journal of Medical Research and Review. ISSN online: 2320-8686 ISSN Print: 2321-127x Vol. 03 issue 7 2015

Indexing : Index Copernicus, Science central, INDIANScience.in, J-Gate Indexing, Google Scholar,  Open Academic Journal Index [OAJI], CNKI Database, Chemical abstract service, IndexMedicus south east asia region



Author : Dr. Manishi Singh

Title : Efficacy of antioxidant vitamins and trace elements level in the prognosis of oral  cancer

Citation :  Journal of oral medicine, oral surgery, oral pathology and oral radiology.  ISSN : 2395-6186 2015;1(4):160-164

Indexing : Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Crossref



Author : Dr. Manishi Singh

Title : Profile of Vitamin D deficiency patients in a tertiary care centre, Bhopal: Causes and its implications in health

                 Citation : International Journal of surgery & Orthopedics January-March 2017/Vol.3 issue 1, ISSN : 2455-5436.

Indexing :  Index Copernicus, Science central, INDIANScience.in, J-Gate Indexing, Google Scholar, Open Academic Journal Index [OAJI], CNKI Database, Chemical abstract service, IndexMedicus south east asia region



Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Bharosay

     Author : Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Bharosay

Title : Correlative study between Neuron  specificenolase and blood sugar level in Ischemic stroke patients

Citation : Journal of neuroscience in Rural practice 2011; Vol.2 No.1:50               

Indexing Indexed Scopus



Author : Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Bharosay

Title : Correlation Between Proinflammatory Serum Markers:High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein, Interleukin-6 with Disability Score in Acute Ischemic Stroke

Citation : Ind J Clin Biochem, July-Sept 2011) 26(3):279–282 ; DOI 10.1007/s12291-011-0135-1

Indexing Indexed Scopus



Author : Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Bharosay

 Title : Correlation of Brain Biomarker Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) with  Degree of Disability and Neurological Worsening in Cerebrovascular Stroke

Citation : Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry,  Apr. June2012) 27 (2): 186-190 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-011-0172-9 Published Online 8th November 2011

Indexing Indexed Scopus



 Author : Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Bharosay

Title : To study the effect of Disability Score on Lipid Profile in Cerebrovascular Stroke 

Citation: Journal of advance researches in Biological sciences, 2012, Vol.4 (1) 48-53

Indexing Indexed Copernicus



Author : Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Bharosay

Title : Study of basic biochemical and hematological parameters in perinatal asphyxia and it correlation with hypoxic ischemic encephatopathy (HIE) staging

Citation : Journal of Advance Researches in biological sciences 2011 , 3 (2) 79 – 85

Indexing Indexed Copernicus



 Author : Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Bharosay

Title : Effect of Lipid Profile upon prognosis in ischemic and Haemorrhagiccerebrovascular stroke

 Citation : Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry( Indexed Scopus)  ( July-Sept 2014) 29 (3): 372-376IJCB 0970-1915 ;DO/10.1007/S 12291-013-0372-6.Published online 31 August2013

Indexing :  Indexed Scopus



 Author : Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Bharosay

Title : Fasting Insulin and Glucose Concentrations among Adult Males of the Native Mising Population of Assam

Citation International Journal of Health Sciences & Research (www.ijhsr.org) 123 Vol.4; Issue: 10; October 2014 ( ISSN: 2249-9571)

Indexing :  Indexed scopemed



 Author : Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Bharosay

Title : Serum Total Sialic Acid and Highly Sensitive C‑reactive Protein: Prognostic Markers for the Diabetic Nephropathy

Citation:  Journal of laboratory physicians 8(1):25 · January 2016DOI: 10.4103/0974-2727.176230   (ISSN – 0974-2727)

Indexing:  Indexed pubmed



Author : Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Bharosay

Title : Neurological Worsening and Association between LDL, HDL Ratio, Mean Platelet Volume and Platelet Count in Cerebrovascular Ischemic Stroke

Citation : International Journal of Health Sciences & Research (www.ijhsr.org) 209 Vol.6; Issue: 4; April 2016  (ISSN: 2249-9571)

Indexing : Indexed scopemed



Author : Dr. Mrs. Anuradha Bharosay

 Title : Role of Brain Biomarker in Predicting Clinical Outcome in  Hypertensive Cerebrovascular  Ischemic Stroke

 Citation : . ISSN 0970-1915Ind J Clin BiochemInd J Clin Biochem (2018) 33:178-183DOI 10.1007/s12291-017-0664-3

Indexing :  Indexed Scopus




Surya Tiwari

Author : Ms. Surya Tiwari

Title : Oxidative stress in Chronic Smokers

Citation : Flora and Fauna 2014, Vol. 20 No. 1 PP 156-160

Indexing Index Copernicus International, Indian Citation Index, Indian Science Abstracts, C.A.B. International , Google Scholar , Zoological Records



Author : Ms. Surya Tiwari

Title : Induced biochemical changes and associated complications in smokers

Citation : IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-     JBB) ISSN 2455-264X , Vol. 1, Issue 4 (May – June 2015) IP 15-18.

Indexing : IC Journals, CrossRef, SAO/NASA,  arXiv (arXiv.org), American National Engineering Database (ANED), Google Scholar



Author : Ms. Surya Tiwari

Title : Effect of exchange transfusion in biochemical parameters in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia

Citation :  Journal of pure and applied microbiology. ISSN: 09737510 JPAM Vol.9 No. 03 2015 10.06.2015

Indexing :  Scopus (Elsevier), CAS Source Index



Author : Ms. Surya Tiwari

Title : Study of ascorbic acid in the precancerous stage of Oral – Cancer

Citation :  National Journal of Medical and Dental Science. ISSN(p): 23200367 ISSN(e): 23200375 njmdr_3416_15 Vol. 3 issue 4 July – September

Indexing :  



Author : Ms. Surya Tiwari

Title : Effect of exchange Transfusion in bilirubin and calcium level in Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia

Citation :  International journal of Medical Research and Review. ISSN online: 2320-8686 ISSN Print: 2321-127x Vol. 03 issue 7 2015

Indexing : Index Copernicus, Science central, INDIANScience.in, J-Gate Indexing, Google Scholar,  Open Academic Journal Index [OAJI], CNKI Database, Chemical abstract service, IndexMedicus south east asia region



Author : Ms. Surya Tiwari

Title : Efficacy of antioxidant vitamins and trace elements level in the prognosis of oral  cancer

Citation :  Journal of oral medicine, oral surgery, oral pathology and oral radiology.  ISSN : 2395-6186 2015;1(4):160-164

Indexing : Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Crossref



Author : Ms. Surya Tiwari

Title : Profile of Vitamin D deficiency patients in a tertiary care centre, Bhopal: Causes and its implications in health

Citation : International Journal of surgery & Orthopedics January-March 2017/Vol.3 issue 1, ISSN : 2455-5436.

Indexing :  Index Copernicus, Science central, INDIANScience.in, J-Gate Indexing, Google Scholar, Open Academic Journal Index [OAJI], CNKI Database, Chemical abstract service, IndexMedicus south east asia region



 Rahul Verma


Author : Mr. Rahul Verma

Title : Effect of yoga practices on serum cortisol level & cardiovascular parameters in hyper-reactors to cold pressor test in young healthy medical students

Citation :  IJSR. Vol. 5 Issue 4. April 2014. ISSN No. 2277-8179

Indexing : Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Indian citation index, PubMed, DRJI



Author : Mr. Rahul Verma

Title : Hematological modulation in regular practice of yoga in young healthy medical students

Citation :  World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences. Volume 6, Issue 8, XXX-XXX Research Article ISSN 2278 – 4357

Indexing : Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Scopus



Shalaka Agrawal


Author : Shalaka Agarwal

Title : Organochlorine, organophosphate, synthetic pyrethroids assessment in bovine milk and water samples of jaipur, Rajasthan

Citation :  Indian Journal of Animal Science; 86(3); 288-293;March 2016 Article.

Indexing : Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus





Dr. Pramod Sharma – Professor


  1. Temporalis myofascial flap interpositional arthroplasty with bilateral coronoidectomy for management of unilateral TMJ ankylosis: A retrospective study. Journal of medical science and clinical research.


  3. Pleomorphic adenoma of the hard palate – A clinical study. National journal of medical and dental research.


  5. Pierre robin syndrome: A case report and review of literature and multidisciplinary approach in management updates. International journal of medical and dental case reports.


  7. Submental intubation: An alternative to tracheostomy for airway management in patients undergoing surgery for complex maxillofacial trauma. National journal of maxillofacial surgery.



Dr. Saket Kumar Jain – Assistant Professor


Evaluation of flexural strength of polymethyl methacrylate modified with silver colloidal nanoparticles subjected to two different curing cycles: An in vitro study. The journal of contemporary dental practice.




  1. 1. Rathoriya S G. Clinical Profile of Palmoplantor desmatos is in patients attending testiory health center in central india. Int J Res Drsmatol 2018:4:541-7



  1. 2. Rathoriya S G, Jain AK. Shinde KA, Cliniomyological evaluation of dermatophytor’s at tertiary care hospital in central India, INT J Res Dermatol, 2018;4;409-14




Author :  Rakesh Kumar Maran, Anil Kumar Jain (corresponding author),G.R. Harpriya  , Sanyogita Jain

Title : Microscopic versus Endoscopic Maryngoplasty: A comparative study

Citation of Journal : Indian Journals of otolaryngology, Head Neck Surgery ISSN p: 2231-3796

ISSN e : 0973-7707

Details of Indexing : PubMed Central, SCOPUS, IndMed, MedInd



Author :  Praveeen kumar Thakur, Anil Kumar Jain (Corresponding Author), tahir Ali Khan, Saiyogita Jain.

Title : Conventional Tracheotomy   versus Percutaneous Tracheotomy : A retrospective Study

Citation of Journal : Indian Journals of otolaryngology, Head Neck Surgery ISSN p: 2231-3796

ISSN e : 0973-7707

Details of Indexing : PubMed Central, SCOPUS, IndMed, MedInd



Author :  Praveen Kumar Thakur, Anil Kumar Jain (corresponding author),Tahir Ali Khan , Sanyogita Jain

Title :  Conventional Tracheostomy versus Percutaneous Tracheostomy : A retrospective study

Citation of Journal : Indian Journals of otolaryngology, Head Neck Surgery ISSN p: 2231-3796

ISSN e : 0973-7707

Details of Indexing : PubMed Central, SCOPUS, IndMed, MedInd



Author :  Aparna Chavan , Rakesh Maran , Kapil Meena

Title : Diagnostic Evaluation of Chronic Nasal Obstruction Based on Nasal Endoscopy and CT Scan Paranasal Sinus

Citation of Journal : Indian Journals of otolaryngology, Head Neck Surgery ISSN p: 2231-3796

ISSN e : 0973-7707

Details of Indexing : PubMed Central, SCOPUS, IndMed, MedInd



Author : Abhishek Sharma, Rakesh Maran

Title : Role of Flexible Fibreoptic Laryngoscopy and Rigid direct Laryngoscopy in patients with Hoarseness and Dysphagia- A comparative study

Citation of Journal : International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Sciences (IJSSS),Volume 5(3): pp , 83-86 (2017)

Details of Indexing :  Index Copernicus



Author : Jain S., Rukadikar A ,Jain A.

Title : Inducible Clindamycin resistance in  Staphylococcus aureus isolated from Clinical Samples at C. U. Shah Medical College and Hospital, Surendranagar, Gujarat, India.

Citation of Journal : International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 5 Number 6 (2016) pp. 875-879

Details of Indexing :  Index Copernicus.



Author : Chavan GN ,Chavan AG: J Anesth

Title : Spinal Anesthesia as an Alternative to General Anesthesia for Emergency Laprotomies in ASA Grade III and IV Patients. An Observational Study at RIMS, Adilabad, Telangana.

Citation of Journal : Clin Res 2016, 7:5, ISSN: 2155-6148

Details of Indexing : Index Copernicus, Hinari, Google Scholar.



Author : Chavan A, Chavan GN: 

Title : Efficacy of muscle relaxants in routine treatment protocol of OSMF: A Pilot study        

Citation of Journal : Otolaryngology: Open Access, Ref:- Ms. No. Medical Journals-16-226R1

Details of Indexing : Index Copernicus


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology


Sulphuric Acid Poisoning – A case report. JIAFM, 2001, Vol.23, No.5, p 76-77.


Medico-legal aspect of congenital malformation – A case report. JIAFM, 2001, Vol. 27, No. 6, p 97-98.


Trends of organo phosphorus poisoning in Bhopal region- An autopsy based study. JIAFM, 2004, Vol, 26, No.2, p 62-65.


Aluminum phosphide poisoning autopsy findings. JIAFM, 2005, Vol. 27, No.1, p 35-39.


Medical negligence vis-à-vis Medical Profession in Changing Scenario. Medico-Legal Update, Jan.-March 20077 No. 1 Pg. 19-22.


Trends of aluminium phosphide poisoning in Bhopal region- A retrospective study of 10 years. JIAFM, July-Sept 2009, Vol. 31, No. 3, p 234-236.


A guide to writing medical reports Vis-à-vis victims of torture. JIAFM, July-Sept 2009, Vol. 31, No. 3, p 289-290.


Ethical and legal issues in AIDS- An Indian perspective. JIAFM, Oct-Dec 2009, Vol. 31, No. 4, p 413-416.


Ethical and Legal aspects of Artificial Reproductive Techniques including surrogacy (A Review article) Dr Anil Agrawal’s Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, VOl-12 No.1, E-ahead


Jain A. Radiological Study of Appearance and Fusion of Ischial tuberosity in Bikaner Region in 14-22 Years Age Group. Indian Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. 12, No. 1 & 2 June 2014


Estimation of Human Height from Anthropometric Measurements of Head amongst Madhya Pradesh Population.Indian Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. Vol. 15, No. 1 January-March 2017, pg -11-14


Shende S, Jaybhaye P, Jain A, Namdev G. Estimation of cephalic index of Madhya Pradesh population: An anthropometric study. International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine.2017;20(1):17-19




Jaybhaye P, Potdar A. Status of ossification at elbow joint, dental eruption and secondary sexual characteristics in schoolboys of 14-16 years age group. Journal of Indian academy of forensic medicine.2018; 40(4): 352-60 


Ghuge M, Jaybhaye P. Impact of native and non-native language on learning skills of medical students. Journal of dental and medical sciences.2018;17(12-4):05-07


Shende S, Jaybhaye P, Jain A, Namdev G. Estimation of cephalic index of Madhya Pradesh population: An anthropometric study. International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal



Jaybhaye P,  Potdar  A.  Use  of  Tertiary  Trauma  Survey  Sheet  to  Improve  the  Quality  of Medicolegal Reports. Journal of Indian academy of forensic medicine.2017;39(1):33-36


Mohan Sona, Jaybhaye P. Study of fingerprint pattern in patients with diabetes mellitus in a tertiary care centre. Journal of Dental and Medical sciences.2015;14(11-7):39-41


Jaybhaye P, Shilawant S. Fatal Case of Hydrocarbon Aspiration and Use of Lipoid Cells as Corroborative Finding for Rapid Autopsy Diagnosis in Cases of Delayed Death. Toxicology International. 2014;21(3):316-318




Paliwal S. “The use of cartoons as teaching as a teaching tool to enhance student learning in Medical Jurisprudence.” Int J Eth Trauma Victimology July-Dec. 2017; Volume 3 (2): Page No. 32-36



Author:  Siddharth Raghuvanshi

 Title: A Study of clinical profile and subtypes of acute ischemic stroke in a tertiary care center

Citation of Journal: International Journal of Scientific Study/ August 2016/vole 4/issue 5 ISSN Print  2321-

595X ISSN Online 2321-6379 Page 128-131

Detail of Incldexing: indez Copernicus



Author: Vikas Goyal, Shewta Goyal

Title : Evolution of cardiac Dysfunction in Thyroid Disorders by Echocardiography

Citation of Journal:  International research Journal of clinical Medical Vol 1/Issue 4/Apr-2016

Detail of Indexing:  Index Copernicus



Author: Vikas Goyal, Shweta Goyal

 Title: A study of electrocardiographic changes in thyroid disorder


Citation of Journal: International Journal of Medical Research   and review April, 2016/Vol 4/ Issue 4/ISSN

2321- 127X

Details of indexing : Index Copernicus




Author: Jainj 1, Sinha U2

Title : Health Seekng behavior in Elderly Hypertensive Patients- A hospital based study

Citation of journal: International Journals of Medical Research

& Review march, 2015/Vol 3/Issue 2 ISSN Print 2321-127X ISSN online 2320-8686 Page : 203-206

Detail of Indexing : Index Copernicus




Author:  Sanjay Sahay, Satish K Ramteke, Sahrmila Ramkteke

Title : Peak expiratory flow rate and Hemodynamic changes before and after complete thoracocentesis : a bed side evaluation.

Citation of Journal :  Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, issue

01, January 01;

Page : 45-53

Details of Indexing : index Copernicus




Author:  Jalali T, Goyal V

Title : A Study on survivors of acute myocardial infraction developing transient on Halter   monitoring

Citation of Journal : International Journal of medical Research and review

( ISSN : 2320-8686 (0)2321-127X(P) November 2015 Volume 03 issue 10pg no. 1112-1117

Details of Indexing: index Copernicus



Author : Pradeep soni , Zoheb Ahmed

Title : Clinical Profile of young adult diabetic patients attending Hospital OPD of a tertiary care centre in central India.

Citation of Journal : Internal Journal of Medical research and Review

April, 2015/vol3/issue 3/ISSN 2321-127X

Details of Indexing: index Copernicus




Author:    Dr. Abhishek Sharma

Title : Role of Flexible  Fibrooptic Laryngoscopy& Rigid Direct Laryngoscopy in Patients with Hoarseness  and Dysphagia-a  Comparative study”

Citation of Journal:    Int.J.of Surgery & Surgical Sciences(IJSSS)ISSNNO. 2320-9240, vol.5

(3) , Issue  , November  2018;



Author :   Dr. Abhishek Sharma

Title : Comparison of Effectiveness of Tolterodine,Tadalafil in Treatment of Double DJstent     related lower urinary symptoms”

Citation of Journal : Int.J.of Surgery & Surgical   Sciences(IJSSS) ISSN 2320-9240,Vol.6

(2):pp. 47-51(2018) , Issue  ,  July 2018;



Author : Arvind Joshi, Shabeeh Nasar

Title : Ejaculation Preserving Trans Urethral Resection of Prostate (epTURP) An Initial Study

Citation of Journal :  International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Science, ISSN:2454-4167, 2018, Volume 9

Details of Indexing : Index Copernicus



Author : Roshan Chanchlani, Shabeeh Nazar

Title : A Study od Day care urology in children :our experience

Citation of Journal :  NIJS New India Journal of Surgery  2018/ Vol 9/Issue 5,670-72

Details of Indexing : Indexed with Index Copernicus



Author : 1. Dr. Roshan Chanchlani 2. Dr. G.N. Chavan

Title : Patient satisfaction level in a day care Surgical unit of tertiary care teaching hospital – A study from central India

Citation of Journal : International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences Volume 3 Issue 2, June – November 2017

Details of Indexing : Copernicus



Author : 1. Dr. Roshan Chanchlani 2. Dr. Shabeeh Nasar 3. Somya Jain

Title : Paediatric Circumcision with Intravenous (IV) Ketamine, and penile block as a day care Surgery.

Citation of Journal :  New Indian Journal of Surgery (NIJS),Volume 9, Number 01, January  –Feb2 018

Details of Indexing : Copernicus



Author : 1. Dr. Ajit Sewkani, 2. Dr. Ashutosh Darbari 3.Dr. Roshan Chanchlani 4. Dr. Abhishek Sharma

Title: Foreign bodies in Gastrointestinal tract in Children  – Our experience with

review of literature.

Citation of Journal : International Journal of Surgery and Surgical Sciences (IJSSS)

Details of Indexing: Copernicus



Author : 1. Dr. Ajit Sewkani, 2. Dr. Ashutosh Darbari 3.Dr. Roshan Chanchlani 4. Dr. Abhishek Sharma 5. Dr. S Varshney

Title : Modified Seton treatment of complex and high fistula in ano-our experience.

Citation of Journal : International Journal of Surgery and Surgical Sciences (IJSSS)

Details of Indexing : Copernicus



Author : Dr. Shabeeh Nasar

Title : Factors Affecting the Outcome of Peripheral Vascular Trauma


Citation of Journal : IJSS Journal of Surgery Research and Review September-October 2016 Volume 2 /Issue 5

Details of Indexing : Copernicus



Author : Dr. Roshan Chanchlani

Title : Paediatric Inguinal Herniotomy and Open Orchidopexy as Day Care Surgery  

Citation of Journal : Tertiary Care Institute New Indian Journal of Surgery  Volume 7 Number 3, September-December 2016. Received on 09.06.2016 Accepted on 14.07.2016

Details of Indexing : Copernicus



Author : Dr. Anant Kumar Rakhonde

Title : Haemorrhoidectomy- stapler versus conventional (open): our experience.

Citation of Journal : International Surgery Journal | October-December 2015 | Vol 2 |     Issue4

Details of Indexing : Indexed with Index Copernicus (ICV 2013:5.81) , Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO), ScopeMed, Index Copernicus, Journal Index, J-Gate, Index Scholar, Google Scholar, CrossRef, eJManager, Directory of Science, journal TOCs, Research Bib




Pinaki Chattopadhyay, Pratibha Narang, Ujjwala Gaikwad, Rahul Narang, Deepak Kumar Mendiratta

Standardisation and evaluation of direct MTT Rifampicin tube assayfor sputum against smear grading , volume and turn around time

J of Clin & Diag Res., 2019 Apr, Vol-13(4):DC05-DC09


1.    Pranava S. Mishra, Pratibha Narang, Rahul Narang, Bidhan Goswami & Deepak K. Mendiratta: Spatio-temporal study of environmentalnontuberculous mycobacteria isolated from Wardha district in Central India. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek , Journal of Microbiology: Sep 2017, Vol 110, No 9,


2.    Rafat Siddiqi, D. K. Mendiratta, Atul Rukadikar and Sandhya GadreStudy of Virulence Markers and Antifungal Susceptibility by Vitek-2 in Various Candida Species Isolated From Cases of Vulvovaginal CandidiasisInt.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci . 2017 , Volume 6 Number 12  pp. :3593-3605


3.     PurtiTripathi  and Atul RukadikarClinicomicrobial Profile of Neonatal Septicemia at a Tertiary Care Centre in Central India.      Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci(2017) 6(12):2036-2046



Sandhya Gadre, Sushruta Shrivastava, Purva Tripathi, Manal A Ali

Uterine Balloon Tamponade: A Savior in Ruptured Uterine Arteriovenous Malformation

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India 2018, 68 (6): 508-510

Sandhya Subhash Gadre. EFFECTIVENESS OF HAND MADE MODELS: AN INNOVATIVE TEACHING TOOL FOR UNDERGRADUATES IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research [serial online] 2019 September [cited: 2019 Sep 16 ]; 13:QC06-QC09. Availablefromhttp://www.jcdr.net/back_issues.asp?issn=0973709x&year=2019&month=September&volume=13&issue=9&page=QC06-QC09&id=13166


Author : Sandhya Gadre   Reshika Gangatirkar

Title: Fetus Papyraceous in Monochorionic Diamniotic Twins

Site this article as: The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India https/doi.org/10.1007/s13224-018-1163z



Author : Sushruta ShrivastavaNivedita Malik

Title: Medical disorders in pregnancy and pregnancy outcome: a retrospective analysis

Site this article as: Shrivastava, S., Malik M. Medical disorders in pregnancy and pregnancy outcome: a retrospective analysis. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2018;7:2419-22



Author : Monica Parmar, Sushruta Shrivastava, Anjali Kanhere, Shweta Patel

Title: Maternal mortality: a retrospective analysis of 6 years in a tertiary care centre

Site this article as:  Parmar M, Shrivastava, S., Kanhere A, Patel S. Maternal mortality: a restrospective analysis of 6 years in a tertiary care centre Int J Reprod Contracept Obstec Gynecol 2018;7:224-8



Author :  Yashodhara Gaur, Hemlata Parashar, Swati Jain

Title: Role of ormeloxifene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator in heavy menstrual bleeding (abnormal uterine bleeding)

Site this article as:  Gaur Y, Parashar H, Jain S. Role of ormeloxifene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator in heavy menstrual bleeding (abnormal Uterine bleeding). Int J Med Sci Public Health 2018;7(10):834-837



 Author: Vivek Madhav Kanhere1, Anjali Vivek Kanhere2*, Devashish Chakravarty3,

Nikhil Pendse1,Milan Pendse3, Munir Ahmed Khan3, Anita Shrivastava2,Vinod


Citation of Journal: Kanhere, V.M.,Kanhere, A.V., Chakravarty, D., Pendse,    N.,Pendse, M., Khan,

M.A.,  Shrivastava, A. and Narkhede

Title: Cardiac Surgery during Pregnancy—Our Experience

           , V. (2017) Cardiac Surgery   duringPregnancy Our  Experience. World

Journal of Cardiovascular  Surgery, 7,  03-109.https://doi.org/10.4236/wjcs.2017.78012

Details of Indexing: ISI Web of Knowledge Google Scholor PubMed and      PubMed





  Author:  Anjali Kanhere

Title: To Assess the Effectiveness of Self-Iearning Module on Knowledge

  Regarding Normal Labour for Obstetrics and Gynecology Internship     

 Citation of Journal:  To  Assess the effectiveness of self- learning module on

 knowledge regarding normal labour for obstetrics and gynecology internship.

International Journal of contemporary Medical Research 2017;4(5) : 1014-1016





Author: Swati Sharma, Anjali Kanhere, Ishrat Jahan Deepti Gupta

Title: Study of acceptance of intra caesarean IUCD as method of contraception

Citation of Journal:  Gupta D, Sharma S, Kanhere A, Jahan I. Study of acceptance

of intra caesarean IUCD as method of contraception. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet

Gynecol 2017; 5033-7


 Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus Index Copernicus value ICV 2014 88.60

 National Library of Medicine (NLM) Catalog ,Directory of Open Access Journals          (DOAJ) ,Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO) ,Index CopernicusScopeMedCrossRef,EBSCO A-to-ZIndex ScholarUlrichsweb,Index, Google,J-Gate,Directory of Science,Gale,eJManager,JournalTOCs,ResearchBib



Author: Dr. Hemlata Parashar  Anjali Kanhere, Dr. Shikha

Title: Study of Grand Multipara in Tertiary Care Hospital

Details of Indexing: IndexVolume 6 Issue 4 April 2017 ISSNo. 2277


 Author:Sharma, Mridula Shrivastava Hemlata Parashar Jyoti Nath Modi

Title: A Clinical Study of ectopic pregnancy in a tertiary care center in central India

Citation of Journal DOI. Org/10.18203/2320ijrcog 20172336



Author: Anjali Vivek kanhere,Vivek madhav Kanhere

Title: Pregnancy After cardiac Surgery, invited mini article

Citation of Journal: The Journal of Obstetrics and gynecology of India(January –February 2016)66(1):10-15

Details of Indexing: Official Publications of FOGSI Indexed in Pub Med Central , SCOPUS EMBASE chemical abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar ,Indian Science Abstracts, Med Ind, OCLC , Pub Med SCImago.



Author: Upamanyu P,Kanhere A .

Title: Acceptance of methods of family planning in patients undergoing repeat cesarean section .

Citation of Journal: Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2016;5:976-9

Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus Index Copernicus value ICV 2014 88.60

 National Library of Medicine (NLM) Catalog ,Directory of Open Access Journals       (DOAJ) ,Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO) ,Index Copernicus, ScopeMedCrossRef,EBSCO A-to-ZIndex ScholarUlrichsweb,Index, Google,J-Gate,Directory of Science,Gale,eJManager,JournalTOCs,ResearchBib



Author: Gadre S, Patel S, Gadre A.

Title: An overview of women with post-partum haemorrhage in tertiary care centre at capital of Madhya Pradesh, India.

Citation of Journal: Int J Reprod Contracept ObstetGynecol 2016; 5:23-8.

Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus Index Copernicus value ICV 2014 88.60 National Library of Medicine (NLM) Catalog ,Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) ,Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO) ,Index Copernicus, ScopeMedCrossRef,EBSCO A-to-ZIndex ScholarUlrichsweb,Index, Google,J-Gate,Directory of Science,Gale,eJManager,JournalTOCs,ResearchBib



Author: Gadre S, Gadre A.

Title: Preferences of eligible women from an Indian medical college hospital for adapting contraceptives.

Citation of Journal: Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2016; 5:35-40.

Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus Index Copernicus value ICV 2014 88.60

 National Library of Medicine (NLM) Catalog ,Directory of Open Access Journals          (DOAJ),Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO) ,Index Copernicus, ScopeMedCrossRef,EBSCO A-to-ZIndex ScholarUlrichsweb,Index, Google,J-Gate,Directory of Science,Gale,eJManager,JournalTOCs,ResearchBib



Title: Retrospective study of maternal near misses in a teriary care institute

Author : Sharma S. Aherwar R, Jawadhe S.

Citation of Journal: Indexed InIndex Copernicus

Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus value ICV 2014 88.60 National Library of Medicine (NLM) Catalog ,Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) ,Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO) ,Index Copernicus, ScopeMedCrossRef,EBSCO A-to-ZIndex ScholarUlrichsweb,Index, Google,J-Gate, Directory of Science,Gale,eJManager,JournalTOCs,ResearchBib



Author: Sharma S. Aherwar R, Jawadhe S.

Title: Maternal and fetal outcome in jaundice complicating pregnancy: a prospective study

Citation of Journal: Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2016;5::1084 -7

Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus Index Copernicus value ICV 2014 88.60 National Library of Medicine (NLM) Catalog ,Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) ,Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO) ,Index Copernicus, ScopeMedCrossRef,EBSCO A-to-ZIndex ScholarUlrichsweb,Index, Google,J-Gate,Directory of Science,Gale,eJManager,JournalTOCs,ResearchBib




Author: Monika Parmar, Rupa Aherwar, Shashikala Jawade S.

 Title: Awareness Knowledge and prevention of mother to child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in pregnant women: a descripative study

Citation of Journal: int J reporod contracept obstet gynecol 2016;2215-20 July 2016 volume 5 Issue 7

Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus value ICV 2014 88.60 National Library of Medicine      (NLM) Catalog ,Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) ,Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO) ,Index Copernicus,ScopeMedCrossRef,EBSCO A-to-Z Index Scholar Ulrichsweb,Index,Google,J-Gate,Directory of Science,Gale,eJManager,JournalTOCs,ResearchBib




Author- Madhu chanchlani.

Title- Pterygium excision with sutureless, glueless conjunctival autografting: Our experience.

Citation of Journal- J.of Ophthalmology and allied sciences – May- Aug 2018/ volume 4 No.2.

Details of Indexing- Index Copernicus



Author- Madhu chanchlani.

Title- A study of B-Scan  Ultrasonography in Detecting Posterior Segment Pathologies in senile Mature Cataracts.

Citation of Journal- J.of Ophthalmology and allied sciences – May- Aug 2018/ volume 4 No.2.

Details of Indexing- Index Copernicus


Author- Dr. Khalid Khan

Title-  Study of Ophthalmic Causes of Headache in Tertiary Health Care Centre in Central India

Citation of Journal-  Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research; April  2018/Vol.6/ Issue 4;   page 2347-176x  .

Details of Indexing- Index Copernicus


Author- Dr. Khalid Khan

Title-  Clinical study of Anisometropic amblyopia and response to occlusion therapy.

Citation of Journal- International Journal of Medical Research and Review; June 2018/Vol.3/Issue 1; page 2456-6454.

Details of Indexing- Index Copernicus 



Author- Neelima Sarkar, Jitendra Manghani, Madhu Chanchlani, Bharti Soni

Title- Primary Glaucomas- Screening, Evaluation and management in a tertiary care Hospital, Central Indai.

Citation of Journal- Journal of Evid. Based Med. Healthc.- may2017/ volume 4/ issue36.

Details of Indexing- Index Copernicus



Author- Neelima Sarkar, Madhu Chanchlani, Bharti Soni, Jitendra Manghani.

Title- Assessing and creating awareness of Primary Glaucomas in Central India.

Citation of Journal- Journal of Ophtalmology and allied sciences- July-Dec2017/ volume 3

Details of Indexing- Index Copernicus



Author- Madhu chanchlani and Roshan chanchlani”

Title- A Study of posterior segment evaluation by B-Scan in hyper mature cataract”.

Citation of Journal- J of clinical experimental Ophthalmology ; vol. 7issu1/1000516

Details of Indexing- index Copernicus



Author- Sachin Samaiya, Rajul Gupta, Rajat Saran

Title- A retrospective study on surgical management of clavicle midshaft fractures by locking plate in tertiary care center

Citation of Journal Journal of Orthopedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation
: 2017  |  Volume : 9  |  Issue : 2  |  Page : 81-83

Details of Indexing- index copernicus




Author- Samaiya S1 , Tiwari S2 , Singh M3 , Saran R4

Title- Profile of vitamin-D deficiency patients in a tertiary care centre, Bhopal: causes and its implications in health

Citation of Journal International Journal of Surgery and Orthopedics January – March 2017/ Vol 3 / Issue 1

Details of Indexing- index copernicus


Author- Dr. Saket Jati, Dr. Samarth Singh

Citation of Journal– 2017 Month : January Volume : 4 Issue : 1 Page : 12-17

Details of Indexing- index Copernicus



Author- Choudhari P, Chhabra S and Singh Samarth

Title: Comparative study of cemented hemiarthroplasty with or without close suction drain

Citation of Journal– 2017, Volume 3 Issue 1, Part B

Details of Indexing- index Copernicus



Author- Dr. Manish Singh Rajput, Dr. H.S. Varma, Dr. Digember Peepra, Dr. Krishna Kumar Pandey

Title percutaneous triple release for the management of moderate idiopathic club foot

Citation of Journal- International journal of scientific research July Volume:5 l Issue:4 l April 2016 . ISSN No 2277-8179 l IF :3.508 l IC Value : 69.48

Details of Indexing- index copernicus

Title Efficacy of low dose aspirin in reducing deep vein thrombosis in patients of lower limb fracture waiting for surgery Author- Dr. Manish Singh Rajput, Dr. Sameer Gupta

Citation of Journal- IJOTSS July Volume:2 Special Issue 1, july 2016

Details of Indexing- index copernicus



Author- Dr. Manish Singh Rajput, Dr.Krishn Kumar Pandey, Dr. Deegamber Peepra

Title role of complete neurological examination to detect missed Dorsal spine lesions in patients with low back pain

Citation of Journal- Volum:2 | Issue 4 | April 2016 | ISSN-2249-555X | IF:3.919 | IC: 74.50 |

Details of Indexing- index copernicus



Author- Dr. Manish Singh Rajput, Dr.Krishn Kumar Pandey, Dr. Deegamber Peepra, Dr. H.S. Varma

Title Clinico-radiological correlation of osteoarthritis knee using Western Ontario and McMaster Universities score and Kellegren and Lawrance grading.

Citation of Journal- INT J Res Med Sci. 2016; 4(11): 4873-4876

Details of Indexing- index copernicus



Title study of road traffic accident Cases reported in a tertiary care hospital in vindhya region of m.p. with the use of Who/cdc injury surveillance system

Author- Dr. Mnaish Singh Rajput, Dr. Surendra SinghYadav, Dr. Vikas Singhal Dr. P.K. Lakhtakia

Citation of Journal--2016| Month: January | Valume:3 | Issue:8 |

Details of Indexing-index copernicus



Author- Dr. Mnaish Singh Rajput, Dr. Digember Peepra

Title Ultrasonographic assessment of regeneration of achilles tendon post Ponseti tenotomy for equinus correction in infants

Citation of Journal-– international journal of scientific research 2016;5:58-9Details of Indexing-index copernicus



Author- B K Jain, , Ashwini K Sharma


Citation of Journal International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences, Volume-2, Special Issue 1, July 2016, Page 145-149

Details of Indexing- index copernicus



Author- Dr.Subodh Kumar Pathak, Dr.Pritamkumar Maheshwari, Dr.Prashanthraj M, Dr.Sandeepkumar Gour, Dr.Daksh Gadi

Title:- Intramedullary nails: should it be removed after fracture healing?

Citation of Journal-International Surgery Journal 3, no. 3 (2016): 1603-1605

Details of Indexing– ScopeMed®



Author- Dr.Subodh Kumar Pathak, Dr.Pritam Maheshwari,Dr. Prahlad Ughareja, Dr.Sandeep  Kumar Gour, Dr.Prashanth Raj M

Title:- Functional outcome of surgically treated De Quervain’s tenosynovitis

Citation of Journal-Volume 4 Issue 08 August 2016

Details of Indexing– Copernicus




Author- Dr.Subodh Kumar Pathak, Dr.Pritam Maheshwari,Dr. Prahlad Ughareja, Dr.Daksh Gadi, Dr.Prashanth Raj M., Dr.Sandeep Kumar Gour

Title:- Evaluation of femoral neck shaft angle on plain radiographs and its clinical implications

Citation of Journal– October-December 2016 | Vol 2 | Issue 4

Details of Indexing- Pathak SK et al. Int J Res Orthop.



Author-Dr. Deepak Nadkarni, D.R. Galfat

Title– Prospective research study to detect the prevalence of osteoporosis in Central M.P.

Citation of Journal- NJMDR Volume 3 , Issue 3 – 2015

Details of Indexing- index copernicus



Author- Dr. Deepak Nadkarni, D R Galfat, Raghvendra Sadh

Title– Reconstructive Surgical Correction of Paralytic Claw Fingers In Leprosy by Lasso Procedure

Citation of Journal- IJOTSS Vol.1, Issue-1, Dec-May 2015 [2015,1 (1) 09-12]

Details of Indexing- index Copernicus



Author- B K Jain, S A Faruqui, A K Sharma

Title– Cemented Bipolar Prosthesis for Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures in Elderly Patients – A Retrospective Study

Citation of Journal- NJMDR Volume 3 , Issue 4 – 2015

Details of Indexing-index Copernicus



Author- S A Faruqui, B K Jain., A K Sharma

Title -Cemented Bipolar Prosthesis for Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures in Elderly Patients – A Retrospective Study. National Journal of Medical and Dental Research

Citation of Journal:- July-September 2015: Volume-3, Issue-4, Page 213-218

Details of Indexing- index copernicus



Author- A K Sharma , S A Faruqui, B K Jain.

Title Evaluation of distal volar locking plate in displaced distal radius fractures – a retrospective  study.

Citation of Journal June-November 2015, Volume-1 Issue-2, Page 24-27.

Details of Indexing- index copernicus



Author- D R Galfat , Ashwini  K Sharma , D Nadkarni

Title:- To assess blood loss and blood transfusion requirement in unilateral primary cemented total hip replacement in indian patients: a retrospective study

Citation of Journal:- International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Sciences, June-November 2015, Volume-1 Issue-2, Page 18-23

Details of Indexing- index copernicus

Title:-Operative Treatment of Isolated Bicondylar Hoffa Fracture With a Modified Swashbuckler Approach

Author-Dr. Ramanath K. Sharath,Dr.Daksh Gadi, Dr.Amit Grover, Dr.Sandeep Kumar Gour

Citation of Journal-Archives of trauma research 4, no. 4 (2015).

Details of Indexing– ICMJE


Author:  Rakesh Mishra, Tariq Jalaly, Roshan Chanchlani.


Title – “A Study Of  Tobacco Use Among Children In Rural Area Near Bhopal : A Cross Section Study”.


Citation of Journal : Journal Of Evolution Of Medical  And Dental Sciences


 2014 ; Vol. 3.Issue 24, June 16 ; Page: 6638-6643,


DOI : 10.14260/Jemds/ 2014/2795




Author: Roshan Chanchlani ,Rakesh Mishra, Vikesh Agarwal, Nagendra Singh.

Title –  “A Study Of Neonatal Surgery In Developing Country : Monitored Local Anaesthesia And Sedation Technique”


Citation of Journal: Journal Of Evolution Of Medical And Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 25, June 23; Page: 6856-6863, DOI : 10.14260/Jemds / 2014 /2828




 Author:  Rakesh Mishra, M. Maheshwari, Roshan Chanchlani.


Title-  A Study Of Acute Poisoning In Children : Three Years Experience At A Tertiary Care Hospital Of                                                                        Central India”.


Citation of Journal:  Journal Of Evolution Of Medical And Dental Sciences2014; Vol.3.Issue 24. June 16;                                                                                                 

Pare : 6669-6674, DOI : 10.14260 / Jemds /2014 / 2801




Author:  Rakesh Mishra, Astha Tiwari, Shweta Anand, Roshan Chanchlani.


Title – “A Study Of Prevalence Of Essential Hypertension In School Going Early And Mid-Adolescent  Children Of Rural  Area In Bhopal ”.


Citation of Journal: Journal Of Evolution Of Medical And Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 23,June 09;


Page:  6401-6406,DOI: 10.14260 /Jemds/2014/ 2755





Author: S. Kumar, M. Ahmed, S. Anand


Title –  Morbidity & Mortality Pattern of Neonates admitted to Neonatal intensive care unit in tertiary                                 

            care hospital , Bhopal


Citation of Journal :- International journal of Paediatric Research


Details of indexing :- Copernicus





Author:  S. Kumar, M. Ahmed, S. Anand


 Title – Clinico hemological profile of paediatrics patient admitted with acute lemnemia in tertiary care centre

             of central india


Citation of Journal :- Indian journal of Child health


Details of indexing :- Copernicus Kumar, S. Anand, T.PSahu





Author :- Jaishree Ambhore,  Minhajuddin Ahmed


Title – Incidence of Rotaviral  and adenoviral diarrhea amongst Children under 5 years of age in tertiary care center.


 Citation of Journal – International Journal of contemporary Pediatrics ISSN No. 2349-3291




 Author :- Jaishree Ambhore,  Nitesh Upadhyay,  Minhajuddin Ahmed


  Title – Clinical & Socio demographic profile of children with hearing impairment who had undergone cochlear implant surgery 


Citation of Journal – International Journal of contemporary Pediatrics ISSN No. 2349-3291



Author: Minhajuddin Ahmed1*,  Sylvia.Michael Colaco2 ,  Manal Ashraf Ali3 , Zeeshanuddin Ahmad4


Title – Birth Weight Status of Newborn and Its Relationship With Other Anthropometric Parameters


Citation of Journal:   Int J Med Health Sci. Jan 2014, Vol-3; Issue- 1 


Indexing Status:  Index Copernicus




Author:  Sylvia M Colacoa,c, Minhajuddin Ahmeda, Vinayak Y Kshirsagara, Rohit Bajpaib


Title : Study of Nucleated Red Blood Cell Counts in Asphyxiated Newborns and the Fetal Outcome


Citation of Journal: Int J Clin pediatric. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14740/ijcp169w, accepted for publication September 15, 2014.



Author: Mohitesh Kumar1, Minhajuddin Ahmed2* , Pankaj Vohra3 , Sumbul Warsi4


Title: To compare the efficacy of two probiotics in acute non bloody diarrhea


Citation of Journal : International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics


January-February 2017/ Vol 4 /Issue 1 pISSN 2349-3283 /eISSN 2349-3291





Author: Minhajuddin Ahmed1*, Kuldeep Shah2, Vinayak Yadavrao Kshirsagar3


Title:  Prevalence and risk factor for obesity in urban and rural school going children of Karad taluka,                      

Maharashtra, India


Citation of Journal : International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics


October- December  2016/ Vol 3 /Issue 4


 pISSN 2349-3283 /eISSN 2349-3291






Author :- Jaishree Ambhore,  Minhajuddin Ahmed


Title : Incidence of Rotaviral  and adenoviral diarrhea amongst Children under 5 years of age in tertiary care center.


Citation of Journal : International Journal of contemporary Pediatrics ISSN No. 2349-3291



Author :- Jaishree Ambhore,  Nitesh Upadhyay,  Minhajuddin Ahmed


Title : Clinical & Socio demographic profile of children with hearing impairment who had undergone cochlear implant surgery 


Citation of Journal:  International Journal of contemporary Pediatrics ISSN No. 2349-3291





Author: Dr. Minhajuddin Ahmed


Title: A Study of gender differences in treatment of critically ill newborns in nicu of Krishna hospital, karad, Maharashtra


Citation of Journal: Natl J Community Med 2013; 4(1): 26-


Indexing Status: Index Copernicus





Author: Dr. Minhajuddin Ahmed, National Science library


Title : Emperical use of  anti snake venom in early morning snake bite. Annals of tropical medicine and public                                       



Citation of  Journal : Ann Trop Med Public Health, 2013;6:627-31


Indexing Status: Index Copernicus






Author: Dr. Minhajuddin Ahmed


Title : Use of Ketamine in refractory Bronchospasm.


Citation of Journal : Journal of Krishna Institute of medical sciences. Vol 2(2), July-Dec; 60-68: 2013.


Indexing Status: Index Copernicus





Author: Dr. Minhajuddin Ahmed


Title : Study of Foreign Body Aspiration – A Retrospective Study in Pediatric Age Group


Citation of Journal: International Journal Health and research Sciences. Vol. 3; Issue: 11; November 2013


Indexing Status: Index Copernicus





Author: Dr. Minhajuddin Ahmed


Title: Clinical Profile of Snake Bite in Children in Rural India


Citation of Journal: Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 23 (Number 6), December 2013, Pages: 632-636


Indexing Status: PubMed, Index Copernicus





Author: Dr. Minhajuddin Ahmed


Title: A clinical study of intestinal stomas: its indications and complications


Citation of Journal: Int J Res Med Sci. 2013;1:4


Indexing Status: Index Copernicus





Author :- Jaishree Ambhore,  Nitesh Upadhyay,  Minhajuddin Ahmed


Title : Clinical & Socio demographic profile of children with hearing impairment who had undergone cochlear implant surgery 


Citation of Journal:  International Journal of contemporary Pediatrics ISSN No. 2349-3291





Author:  Dr. Priyanka Choudhary


 Title : A study of allergic sensitization to eight lommon allergens in paediatric patients with nasobronchial allergy





Author : Dr.priyanka mahawar1, Dr.shweta anand2 , Dr.sanjay dixit3, Dr.a k bhagwat4, Dr.salil sakalle5, Dr.Veena




Title of paper : evaluation of different aspects of janani suraksha yojna in indore  district ,Madhya pradesh                                                                                                  Journal name : Natl  j Community  med 2013, 4(3): 512 – 515.                                                                                                                                                                   Article Category : Original                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          



 Author :- Dr.Rakesh Mishra, Dr.Astha tiwari, Dr.Shweta Anand,Dr.Chanchlani


 Title of paper : a study of Prevalence of essential hypertension in school going early  and mid adolescent children of rural                      

                           area in Bhopal     


Journal name : JEMDS, Vol 3(23) 6401 – 6406            


Article Category: Original article                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                




Author:  Dr.Roshan Chanchlani, Dr.Shweta Anand


Title of the paper : pleural empyema in a newborn : A Case Report   


 Journal Name : Asian journal of clinical paediatrics and Neonatology (AJCPN) Vol(2) Jan- mar 2014 

Article Category: Case Report                                  





Author:  Dr.Anand S, Chanchlani R, Gupta V3, Goyal S, Tiwari A   155PA.pdf


 Title of the paper : Hepatic abscess in Preterm Newborn –A rare entity      


 Journal name: International Journal of Medical research and Review  mar – apral,2014/Vol 2/Issue 2 169- 171             


Article Category: Case Report          





Author : Dr.Anand S*, Dr.verma P**,Dr.Sinha U***, Dr.Mahawar P****


Title of the Paper :-Evaluation of Primary immunization Coverage in migratory versus non – migratory labour  population of urban area in Bhopal City


Journal name : DOI : 10.7199/ ped. Oncall .2014.35 Year : April – June 2014 /Volume : 11 / issue :2


Article Categary: original article                                                                                                           





Author:- Shweta Anand, Sweta Goyal, Umesh Sinha, Priyanka Mahawar, Roshan Chanchlani  


Title of the paper : Evaluation of health seeking behavior in labour population of urban area in Bhopal city     


 Journal name : Journal of Evoluation of Medical & Dental Science Issue 61,Nov 13-2014

                            Pg 13518,B 522   


 Article Categary : original artical         





Author: Agrawal A, Goyal S.


Title: Analysis of phlebotomy blood losses in neonates in a tertiary care hospital.


Journal:  Indian J Child Health. 2014;1(1):711.





Author:  Anand S, Goyal S, Sinha U, Mahawar P, Chanchalani R.


Title:  Evaluation of heath seeking behaviour in labour population of urban area in Bhopal City.


Journal Name:  Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol 3, Issue 3, Issue 61, November 13; 13518-13522.





Author:  Goyal S, Agrawal N.


Title: Risk factors for severe acute malnutrition in central India.


Journal Name:  Inter J  sMedical Sci Res Prac 2105;2(2):70-72.





Author: Dr. Pramila Verma , Dr. Vijay Verma


Title: Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on Heart rate, Respiratory rate and Temperature in Low Birth Weight Babies


Journal Name: International Journal of Medical Research and Review

  March-April, 2014/Vol 2/ Issue2

  ISSN 2321-127X





Author: Dr. Pramila Verma, *U.S. Shukla, Dr. A. Kalraiya


Title: Retrospective Study on Clinical Profile of Severe Malaria in Children Admitted in a Tertiary Care Centre of                  

  Central India


Journal: People’s Journal of Scientific Research

 Vol. 7(1), Jan. 2014





Author:  Anand S*, Verma P**, Sinha U***, Mahawar P****


Title: Evaluation of primary immunization coverage in migratory versus non-migratory labour population of urban area in Bhopal city


Journal: Pediatric Oncall Journal April- June 2014. Volume 11 Issue 2





Author: Dr. Pramila Verma1, Kalpana Sadawarte2


Title: Neonatal septicemia: Its etiological agents and clinical associates


Journal: Indian J Child Health


Vol 2/Issue 3 / Jul- Sep 2015





Author: Pramila Verma*, Ashish Kalraiya


Title: Respiratory compliance of newborns after birth and their short-term outcomes


Journal: International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics

  March-April 2017/ Vol 4/Issue 2





Author: Dr. Abhishek Agrawal, Pramila Verma*, Vijaya Beohar


Title:  Awareness of parents of children with fever <5 days attending the outpatient services of Peoples College of medical sciences and research centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India


Journal: International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics

                July-September 2016/ Vol 3/ Issue 3






Author: Dr. Rajesh Gupta1, jagdish Mandliya1, HP Singh2


Title: Assessment of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Healthcare Practices In an eastern Madhya Pradesh district 


Journal: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health

                  2013/ Vol. 2/ Issue 2




Author: Dr. Rajesh Gupta1, Dr. Jyoti Gupta2


Title: Child Health Care delivery system in Rewa District: A critical analysis


Pediatric Review:  International Journal of Pediatric Research


July- September, 2015/ Vol 2/ Issue 3/ ISSN 2349-5499






Author: Rakesh Mishra1, Astha Tiwari2, Shweta Anand3, Roshan Chanchlani4


Title: A study of prevalence of essential hypertension in school going early and mid-adolescent Children of rural area in Bhopal


Journal: Journal Evolution of Med and Dent Sci./ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN-2278-4748/ Vol. 3/ Issue 23 / June 09.2014 


Page: 6401-6406, DOI: 10.14260 / jemds /2014/ 2755





Author: Dr. Shweta Anand1, Dr. Astha Tiwari2, Dr. Shweta Goyal3


Title: Prospective study for newborn hearing screening –A experience from tertiary care centre in central India


Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research


September 2016/ Vol 3/Issue 3/  ISSN 2349-5499





Author: Dr. Astha Tiwari1, Dr. Rinu Dwivedi2


Title: A study to evaluate the perinatal outcome in pregnancy induced hypertension


Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research 

June, 2016/ Vol 3/ Issue 6

ISSN 2349-5499




Dr. Farah Jalaly Meenai-

1. Meenai F. J, Jalaly T, Khairkar P, Narkhade V, Sawke G.K, Sawke N.

Significance of thrombocytopenia in different type of malaria.

Int J Med Rev 2016;4(1): 52-54.



2. Ojha S, Haritwal A, Patel R, Meenai F, Chaurasia R, Gupta S.

Rapid decalcification technique using tissue floatation bath in tertiary care oncology centre.

IJPO, April-June 2016;3 (2) : 226-230.



3. Ali M. A, Kumar N, Meenai F.J.,

Role of fine needle aspiration cytology in diagnosis of breast lesions.

Peoples Journal of Scientific Research .Vol (11) 1 January 2018,24-27.



4. Meenai F. J, Ojha S, Ali M.A, Jain R, Sawke N.,

Bone Marrow involvement in non hematologycal malignancy: A clinico – pathological study from a      tertiary hospital. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory  Medicine.

Vol 5 (5) 2018: A440-A446



5. Meenai F. J, Jain R, Ojha S, Sawke G.K, Gupta S.,

Study of spectrum of head &  neck lesions diagnosis of fine needle aspiration  cytology,

Trop J Path Micro 2018;4 (1) : 93-100.



6. Ojha S, Jain R, Meenai F, Nilkanthe R, Haritwal A.,

Cytomorphological finding of follicular dendritic cell sarcoma (FDCS) on fine needle aspiration cytology.

IP Archives of Cytology and Histopathology Research, April-June, 2018; 3(2): 76- 82.



7. Meenai F. J, Nichlani R.

Spectrum of lesion on testicular FNAC excluding infertility cases: A retrospective analysis of cases .

IJPO, October – December,2018;5(4):571-573



8. Meenai F. J, Ansari S. A, Gupta S, Ali M.A.,

Cyto-histo correlation of conventional pap smear with cervical biopsy in diagnosis of precancerous and cancerous lesions of cervix.

April-June 2018; 3 (2): 76-82.



9. Ojha S, Haritwal A, Meenai F. J, Gupta S.

Bone Marrow Examination Findings in Cases of Pancytopenia: A Study from central India.

IJPO , July- September 2016;(3): 479-484.


10.Rohira N, Meenai F. J.

A Cross Sectional Study of Clinical and Aetiological profile of Pancytopenia at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bhopal.

IPJO , Vol 6 (1).  Acceted for publication in march.



11. Madhav N, Meenai F, J.

Role of USG Guided FNAC in intra – abdominal masses – A study at Tertiary  Care Hospital Bhopal.

IP Archives of Cytology and Histopathology Research. Vol 4 (1) Accepted for   Publication.



Dr. Vivek Vikram Bharosay

Anuradha Bharosay1 , Vivek Vikram Bharosay2 , Debapriya Bandyopadhyay3, Rajendra Choubey 2, Vandana Varma4 , Kiran Saxena5 , Amit Varma6

Neurological Worsening and Association between LDL, HDL Ratio, Mean Platelet Volume and Platelet Count in Cerebrovascular Ischemic Stroke .

International Journal of Health Sciences & Research (www.ijhsr.org)209 Vol.6; Issue: 4; April 2016 (ISSN: 2249-9571)(Indexed scopemed)


Anuradha Bharosay1 , Vivek Vikram Bharosay2, Kiran Saxena3 , Meena Varma 4 ,

Role of Brain Biomarker in Predicting Clinical Outcome in Hypertensive Cerebrovascular Ischemic Stroke.

ISSN 0970-1915lnd J Clin Biochem lnd J Clin Biochem (2018) 33:178-183 DOI 10.1007/s12291-0170664-3(Indexed Scopus



Dr. Rashmi Nichlani

Nichlani R.1, Rohira N.2, Verma R.3, Verma N4,

To evaluate efficacy of FNAC in diagnosis of cystic lesions in paediatric age group patients- A retrospective study in a tertiary care teaching hospital.

September, 2018/ Vol 4/ Issue 5, Trop J Path Micro 2018; 4(5):415-420.doi:10.

17511/ jopm. 2018.i5.08.



Rashmi Nichlani1, Neetu Kumar2

Comparison of near patient fine needle aspiration cytology with rapid on side evaluation V/S fine needle aspiration done by other specialists

IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 17, Issue 10 Ver. 5 (October. 2018), PP 01-03



Farah Jalaly Meenai1, Rashmi Nichlani2

Spectrum of lesion on testicular FNAC excluding infertility cases: A retrospective analysis of cases

Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology, October-December, 2018;5(4):571-573



Dr Rashmi, Dr Sharda Balani*



Volume-6, Issue-10 , OCTOBER-2017- ISSN No.  2277 -8160



Rashmi Nichlani1, Shabana Andleeeb Ansari2, Azmat Kamal Ansari3

:Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Testicular FNAC in Cases of Azoospermia

ISSN (0): 2347-3398; ISSN (P): 2277-7253



Rashmi Nichlani , Garima Nichlani*



Volume-7, Issue-10 , OCTOBER-2018- ISSN No.  2277 -816


 Dr. Neetu Kumar

Rashmi Nichlani1, Neetu Kumar2

Comparison of near patient fine needle aspiration cytology with rapid on side evaluation V/S fine needle aspiration done by other specialists

IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 17, Issue 10 Ver. 5 (October. 2018), PP 01-03



 Jyoti Valecha, *Neetu Kumar, Sandeep Ojha

Spectrum of Lesions in Ultrasound guided FNAC of Liver Lesions

People’s Journal of Scientific Research January 2018; Volume 11, Issue 1 62

UGC Approved Journal No.: 26538



Manal Ashraf Ali, Neetu Kumar, Farah Jalaly Meenai

Role of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) in Diagnosis of Breast Lesions

People’s Journal of Scientific Research  January 2018; Volume 11, Issue 1 24

UGC Approved Journal No.: 26538




Dr. Manal Ashraf Ali

Manal Ashraf Ali, Neetu Kumar, Farah Jalaly Meenai

Role of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) in Diagnosis of Breast Lesions

People’s Journal of Scientific Research               January 2018; Volume 11, Issue 1 24

UGC Approved Journal No.: 26538



Farha Jalaly Meenai1, Shabana Andleeb Ansari2,*, Sonam Gupta3, Manal Ashraf Ali4Cyto-histo correlation of conventional Pap smear with cervical biopsy in diagnosis of precancerous and cancerous lesions of cervix

IP Archives of Cytology and Histopathology Research, April-June, 2018;3(2):76-82



Ali Ashraf Manal.1, Siddique S.S.2

Clinico-Pathological observational study of the spectrum of tumours of mesenchymal origin in the female genital tract – a prospective study in a tertiary care hospital

January, 2019/ Vol 5/ Issue 1

4Farah JalalyMeenai, Sandeep Ojha*, Manal A. Ali, Rubal Jain and NilimaSawkeBone Marrow Involvement in Non-Hematological Malignancy: A Clinico-pathological Study From a Tertiary HospitalAnnals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 5, Issue 5, May, 2018




Dr. Shalaka Khade

1. Khade S, Shenoy A.

Ectopic choroid plexus papilloma.

Asian J Neurosurg 2018;13:191-4.

2.Lad SK, Kini S, Khade S.

Analysis of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Paediatric Thyroid Lesions: A Study from Western India.

Int J Sci Stud 2016;4(5):137-140.

3.Khade S, Waghmare R, Shenoy A.

Histopathologicalstudy of meningioma in a tertiary care centre: a two years experience.

Trop J Path Micro 2019;5(1):1-7.doi:10.17511/ jopm. 2019.i1.01.

4.Khade S, Shenoy A, Waghmare R.

Meningioma: a clinicopathological correlation. Annals of pathology and laboratory medicine

2019;Vol 6 no 3




Dr. Nitin Rohira

Rohira N, Sawke G.K , Sawke N.

Pancytopenia associated megaloblastic anemia : a clinoco-hematological study in a tertiary care hospital

Pathology Update: Tropical journal of Pathology & Microbiology

February , 2019 / Vol 5/ Issue2



Nichlani R.1, Rohira N.2, Verma R.3, Verma N4 ,

To Evaluate Efficacy of FNAC in diagnosis of cystic lesion in paediatric age group patients- A retrospective study  in a tertiary care teaching hospital

Pathology Update: Tropical journal of Pathology & Microbiology

September, 2018/Vol 4 / Issue 5




Fuzail Ahmad , * Nitin Rohira

Correlation of Morphological and Cytochemical Features of Acute Leukemia

People’s Journal of Scientific Research          July 2018; Volume 11 , Issue 2

UGC Approved Journal No: 26538


Nitin Rohira1 , Farah Jalaly Meenai2 ,*

Across sectional study of clinical and aetiological profile of pancytopenia at a tertiary care hospital in Bhopal

Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology, January- March , 2019 (1): 67-74



Dr. Nipun Madhav

Nipun Madhav1,* Farah . J. Meenai2

Role of USG guided FNAC in intra – abdominal – A study at tertiary care hospital Bhopal

IP Archives of Cytology and Histopathology  Researh , January – March 2019; 4 (1) : 19-25

Sawke N. , Madhav N. , Sawke G. K.

Study of image guided fine needle aspiration cytology in case of hepatic mass lesion





Dr Reena Verma, Professor,

Dept of  Pharmacology


Adverse events following immunization and global scenario in vaccine Pharmacovigilance. Published in Indian journal of Public health research & development(double blind peer review indexed international journal)-Primary author


A comparative randomized controlled parallel group study of efficacy and tolerability of Labetalol versus Methyldopa in the treatment of new onset hypertension during pregnancy. Accepted for publication in International journal of life science and Pharma research.-Primary author


A comparative randomized controlled parallel group study of maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes of Labetalol versus Methyldopa in the treatment of new onset hypertension during pregnancy. Published in International journal of Pharma and bio sciences (an Elsevier indexed journal) – Primary author


A study of adverse drug reactions in pediatric age group with assessment of causality, severity and preventability in a tertiary care hospital-Published in International journal of dental &medical sciences-Primary author.


Cutaneous adverse drug reactions-a study of clinical patterns, causality, severity &preventability-Published in International journal of dental &medical sciences-Primary author.


Adverse drug reactions associated with first line anti tubercular drugs in a tertiary care hospital of central India-A study of clinical presentations, causality & severity-Published in Asian journal of pharmaceutical sciences & clinical research.-Primary author


Adverse cutaneous drug reactions in pediatric patients in a tertiary care hospital-study of causality, preventability and severity-Published in International journal of dental & medical sciences-Corresponding author





Associate Professor,



Comparative study of Tramadol and Piroxicam as analgesic for postoperative pain in patients operated for inguinal hernia and hydrocele. 18March 2016 International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology


Comparative study of Telmisartan and Ramipril as an antihypertensive in mild to moderate hypertension. 01 May2016 National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology.


Utilization pattern of oral Hypoglycemic agents for diabetes mellitus type 2 patients attending outpatient department at tertiary care centre in Bhopal.08 August2016InternationalJournal of Basic &Clinical Pharmacology


Study of antihypertensive effect of Ramipril alone and in combination with Telmisartan. 02 March2017 International Journal of Basic &Clinical Pharmacology





Assistant Professor,




Prescription pattern of antimicrobial agents by dental practitioners: a questionnaire based study.

Gour PR et al. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2013 Jun;2(3):311-314


Adequacy of analgesia during dental extraction in a tertiary care center.

INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-    2018 | ISSN – 2249-555X | IF : 5.397 | IC Value : 86.18




Smthi Chabra, Devdas Rai, Balachandra A shetty, Joseph Shibu, Meghashree V.

The Emotional and Psychological Aspects of Hate and Enmity

Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences. 2014;Vol3,(49): 11715-11725.



Smthi Chabra, Devdas Rai, Kevin Abraham Chacko.

The Emotional and Psychological Aspects of Rape.

Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences. 2014;Vol3,(34): 9001-9009.



Smthi Chabra, Devdas Rai, Ashok Hegde, Meghashree V, Aarthi Devan.

The Neurobiological, Social & Evolutionary Aspects of Inter Personal Attaraction.

Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences. 2015;Vol- 4(27): 4612-4621.



Author : Dr. Sonika Rani, Senior Resident, Dr. Purva Tripathi, Senior Resident,

Title : Imaging characteristics of focal liver lesions on CE helical CT

Citation of Journal: International Journal Of Scientific Study, pISSN-2321-6379,eISSN2321-595X , Accepted on June 2018

Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus.



Author : Dr. Sonika Rani,

Title : A study to assess the distribution of cystic and solid hepatic lesions on CE helical CT



Author:- Dr. Jyoti Valecha

Title:-Spectrum of lesions ultrasound guided FNAC of liver lesions.

Citation of Journal:-Peoples journal of scientific research ISSN No. – 0974-6358

Jan 2018/Vol.11 Issue I 2018

Details of Indexing: Index: Copernicus



Author:- Dr. Jyoti Valecha

Title:- Role of MRI in evaluation of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma.

Citation of Journal:-International journal of medical research

ISSN No. – 2321-127X

Details of Indexing: Index: Copernicus



Author: Dr.Nitin Khantal Assistant Professor

Title: A study to access a distribution of cystic and solid hepatic lesion on contrast enhanced helical computed tomography.

Citation of Journal: International journal of medical research and review,(IJMRR ) ISSN : 2320-8686 ( Online),2321-127 X ( Print)

June 2018 Vol 6 Issue 05

Details of Indexing: index Copernicus.



Author : Dr. Sonika Rani, Senior Resident, Dr. Purva Tripathi, Senior Resident, Citation of Journal: International Journal Of Scientific Study, pISSN-2321-6379,eISSN2321-595X , Accepted on June 2018

Title : Imaging characteristics of focal liver lesions on CE helical CT

Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus.




Author : Dr. Purva Tripathi, Senior Resident, Dr. Sonika Rani, Senior Resident

 Title: Hip pathology findings on Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI: A Study From Tertiary Care Institute.

Dr. Nitin Khantal, Assistant Professor.

Citation of Journal: International Journal Of Scientific Study, pISSN-2321-6379,eISSN2321-595X , Accepted on Date 12 May 2016

Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus.



Author : Dr.Purva Tripathi Senior Resident, Deepika Singh, Manjit Bagul

Title : Ultrasonography Study of Gynecological Pelvic Masses.

Citation of Journal: International Journal Of  Clinical Medicine, ISSN-2455-7811, Accepted on Date 9 May 2016

Details of Indexing: Index Copernicus.



Author: Dr. Jyoti valecha, Dr Roshan chanchlani, Dr Purva tripathi.

 Title : Clinico -radiological profile of mesenteric lymphadenitis in children in A tertiary Care institute of central India.

Citation of Journal: International journal of medical research and review accepted article no is 2015-420 February /2015 ISSN online: 2320-8686 ISSN print: 2321- 127X(CODEN:ijMRjZ)

Details of Indexing: index Copernicus.



Author: Dr.Nitin Khantal Assistant Professor

Title: Profile of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis cases at A tertiary care institute.

Citation of Journal: International journal of evaluation of medical research and review,(IJMRR ) Published in August, 2015/ Volume 3, issue

Details of Indexing: index Copernicus.